Don’t make an announcement like your whiny bytch ass is that vital to this site. Get the fuk off and leave then. These coli streets won’t miss your undercover agent fake news fraudulence. Take notes from that crying c00n
@Rhakim and make yourself a ghost getting run off, nothing but a ranting rerun- the less of your segment, the more improved the site and discussions will be. All you do is stay getting dissed and dismissed from thread to thread. You serve no purpose. Sal de aqui ahora, puta- adios. the ados aren’t going anywhere. Bytch Bantering Bidenette Bastahd- fighting over a racist white man that doesn’t give a 757 flying fuk about your people in that shyt stained river, rounding up people like discarded trash- you should be fukkin run off in shame after that 2 year c00n campaign for literally nothing.
here’s your send off music. Fits the moment- you’re doing nothing but spiraling. Dead Weight.