Can't condone cheating on your wife for any reason. If it's not working out, get a divorce.
the funny thing with that some of these guys think that having money, staying in shape, and being attractive means that they are entitled to a good woman but yet they think and say things like YBE says. then when no women wants to have anything to do with them, they talk about "how come women don't want me?" well, do they expect a woman to give them the time of the day when they're shytting on women on a daily basis.
Nah .I just dont think its cool for his girl to be talkin to the next nikka about his appearance and what he does wrong...thats their personal relationship shyt and u said she was ur coworker...not friend or any of that shyt...imo that shyt should stay between them...theres no problem with wantin ur S/O to work out...
Come on breh, not like she talking about their sex life. And I would consider her a"friend". Been working together for 6 years now and have hung out a couple times (her man was there, I actually know him. I've been to their crib and erything).
It's just that he's gettingand shes a health nut. It's pretty reasonable to request that your partner stays fit if you do too. Would you accept you s/o not brushing her teeth anymore and just using mints to mask the stench? My future wife gets fat and I'm sorry but...[Jerry Lavigne Jr. RIP] I gotta gooo!
Even so, that is still not the same as this. It's in a man's natural instinct/biology to be a provider. The value we have placed on a woman's looks is strictly societally driven, meaning it's a complete social construct. The need a man feels to provide for his family and the need a woman has for security/protection will never go away. Looks? The media could change people's perception what's considered "attractive" or not within 5-10 years. There are tribes in Africa where bigger women are seen more beautiful. There's no tribe where men aren't seen/expected to be the ultimate providers, because it's an innate thing. The concept of beauty is a man made social construct.
Honestly, this just goes back to the idea that men love hoes.
Grown ass men are really in here saying they'd betray a good person they've chosen to make a commitment to over a lifetime for a couple nuts with a pretty face?
And then you all wonder why a lot of women are dirty.What is their motivation to do right by men, when y'all have made it clear that a pretty face is the end all be all of a relationship? Piety means nothing. Committment means nothing. And then you all want to claim you are not simps, yeah right. You'll get mad if woman are vain, if they use their looks to get what they want, etc. but at the end of the day that's all you care about anyway. I'd have to guess that most things typed on here are just convenient banter.
Threads like this make me fully understand why some women are gold diggers, why they use men, etc. Because if they know at the end of the day that their personality traits and commitment doesn't matter when they get to a certain age and that it's all about looks, what's the point in even starting down that road with a man?
Dudes are in here vilifying a faithful woman who supported her husband through out his whole career because of her looks. All while saying nothing about this whore of a woman (who cheated on her own husband and family, btw) and in a sense "praising" her for her appearance, and ability to draw a man out of his marriage, by placing her above a woman who is actually a good person.
I seriously hope y'all brehs don't get married/pick women with this mentality.
Dog, leaving your wife over health complications just cause she didn't listen to you is just as bad as cheating.
You willing to walk out when she needs you most........
no this isnt a fairytale
You know why women don't like to disclose their ages
Because as you age, your p*ssy power're less attractive sexually
The problem is, people get complacent after getting their spouse/man/woman or whatever.
Physical attraction is something that will always be a focal point to infidelity. Yeah, you got married, you have kids, but if you don't care how you look, don't be surprised if your partner isn't as into you as they were when you were in shape.
Nobody should have to tell another person that they're getting
You need to look in the mirror and get your shyt together. If people took more care of themselves they would have better relationships real talk.
what about dudes who cheat on a good looking wife, for a ugly bytch?
Even so, that is still not the same as this. It's in a man's natural instinct/biology to be a provider. The value we have placed on a woman's looks is strictly societally driven, meaning it's a complete social construct. The need a man feels to provide for his family and the need a woman has for security/protection will never go away. Looks? The media could change people's perception what's considered "attractive" or not within 5-10 years. There are tribes in Africa where bigger women are seen more beautiful. There's no tribe where men aren't seen/expected to be the ultimate providers, because it's an innate thing. The concept of beauty is a man made social construct.
Honestly, this just goes back to the idea that men love hoes.
Grown ass men are really in here saying they'd betray a good person they've chosen to make a commitment to over a lifetime for a couple nuts with a pretty face?
And then you all wonder why a lot of women are dirty.What is their motivation to do right by men, when y'all have made it clear that a pretty face is the end all be all of a relationship? Piety means nothing. Committment means nothing. And then you all want to claim you are not simps, yeah right. You'll get mad if woman are vain, if they use their looks to get what they want, etc. but at the end of the day that's all you care about anyway. I'd have to guess that most things typed on here are just convenient banter.
Threads like this make me fully understand why some women are gold diggers, why they use men, etc. Because if they know at the end of the day that their personality traits and commitment doesn't matter when they get to a certain age and that it's all about looks, what's the point in even starting down that road with a man?
Dudes are in here vilifying a faithful woman who supported her husband through out his whole career because of her looks. All while saying nothing about this whore of a woman (who cheated on her own husband and family, btw) and in a sense "praising" her for her appearance, and ability to draw a man out of his marriage, by placing her above a woman who is actually a good person.
I seriously hope y'all brehs don't get married/pick women with this mentality.
You don't stop wanting sex at those ages breh, old ass seniors who are even older have ridiculously high STD rates, they gettin it in before they go in the ground. I'm just saying, it's hard to talk about that kind of situation if you're not in it. Like I said before, I have never cheated, but I'm not gonna sit here and say with utmost certainty that I wouldn't be tempted if my wife looked like one of the forefathers @ 60 while some average chick is getting at me.
It was just an analogy![]()
Some dudes just can't control themselves breh. Karma is a bytch though.
I have a good friend who gets pretty girls all the time and cheats on them with girls who don't have shyt going for them and ain't even that hot. Me and friends just be like what are you doing fam?
His take is, he just wanna get all the cheating out of his system before he gets married.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Some guys just want a woman when ever they want one. They cheat because they can and they put themselves in position to do so.
It is what it is.