The gay community really hate this dude guts because he killed their whole lie and myth.
They tried to use the whole "being gay is like being black" bullshyt narrative.
We had to break it down to them that sexuality or being gay could not be compared to race or gender because race and gender is how you was born and you could never change those 2 things no matter what you do. Black or white/boy or girl. Biology
These retards tried to use the whole "gay people are born gay too their sexuality is not a choice".
And soon as they say that I hit them with this it always shut them the fukk up because can't no woman say "I'm not a woman no more" and can't no white person say "I'm not white no more". But a so called person who was "born gay" can say
So being gay is a choice. A gay person can turn straight and a straight person can turn gay. We can't do that with race or gender no matter how much money we got or how much surgery or copying and imitating we do. Case closed.