Straight up, I think Adam Cole's best quality is that when he was coming up he wasn't the typical indy wrestler so he stuck out. He (and Mike Bennett come to think of it) worked and carried himself like a "WWE guy" (particularly your mid 2000s fresh out of OVW guys). So the hype about Adam Cole was all about him being different but he's not so different anymore now that he's in WWE. When he got to ROH Davey Richards, Eddie Edwards, Kyle O'Reilly and Michael Elgin were busy putting on their best faux-90's AJPW impressions and Cole worked simple and safe with a couple major spots (like a WWE guy) so he stuck out. In PWG he got to show more personality and got pretty decent on the mic and he stuck out because most Indy dudes can't work a Mic for shyt anyways. Problem he has now is that WWE is a variety show and most guys work simple and safe with a couple major spots. Most guys in WWE are kinda funny. Everything that made him special isn't there anymore. Dude needs seasoning but he'll always be a Cody Rhodes type. Cody is probably filling his spot in the Bullet Club better than Cole did.