I remember being in middle school and hearing one kid talk about the show ending. Didn't get into it until later on tho when it was already in syndication.
Don't attach that Michael Richards shyt to him, that's bullshyt. That's all on Richardshis behavior during the Letterman and Larry king interviews with Richards he was basically giggling with the audience at one point. Dude's sole priority was the bottom line and trying to limit as much damage as possible while promoting the release of Seinfeld DVDs and he wasn't subtle about it. Those interviews could have been seperate but he made sure he was there to hold Richards hand and coddle him.
Then there is this clip on YT years after the incident where they discuss the formula to good comedy "that it isn't about you or me it's about them" or something and then Richards uses that statement to reflect and how he should've applied that in the infamous tirade and Jerry dismissively cuts him off saying "you need to move on from that, you have suffered enough". Richards still sticking to his stance says "I should've been more selfless" in that situation and Jerry all the while in that typical cac mode of if you bury it under the rug maybe it will just be forgotten, then says "well that's on you"
Besides his comments on diversity in the biz just seemed too good ole boys club for my liking, can not see him the same again
laughing with the audience while they were looking at Richards still as Kramer shouldn't be attached to him. Never ever holding Richards to account for his actions in its entirety but instead placating him while trying to diminish the level of offense caused isn't on him? Making some BS rationale for why his stacked comedy lineup was made up of only cacs isn't on him either right? There is another reason why the micheal Richards thing didn't bother him in the slightestDon't attach that Michael Richards shyt to him, that's bullshyt. That's all on Richards
He was put in a horrible spot trying to ease that situation and probably wanted nothing to do with it
You've never helped a friend or family member when they did some shyt you didn't agree with? Really?
what does that even mean? Roman fukin Polanski is pretty low key, is well respected in the industry and rapes children. The fuk does being respected amongst friends you share a likeness to say about anything. Billy Cobb might be a philanthropist and respected everywhere he goes but guess what's hanging in his closet? A white sheetHe's widely regarded as one of the most lowkey people in showbiz and basically everyone respects the hell out of him
Just stop it. You're just making this shyt off of nothinglaughing with the audience while they were looking at Richards still as Kramer shouldn't be attached to him. Never ever holding Richards to account for his actions in its entirety but instead placating him while trying to diminish the level of offense caused isn't on him? Making some BS rationale for why his stacked comedy lineup was made up of only cacs isn't on him either right? There is another reason why the micheal Richards thing didn't bother him in the slightest
I already covered that, monetary concerns please keep up.First off, Jerry shouldn't have even been put into that situation, the fukk did it have to do with him
you could see him at 1.05 Mark laughing then when the camera catches him he gets super serious. He was fine with the audience laughing and giggling then when the camera cuts to his face he says half heartidly stop latugging, it was a charade.And here's the fukking apology video a$$hole
Watch this and tell me how wrong you were
Jerry had to tell the audience to shut up and stop laughing during the apology because they weren't taking it seriously
can you name 1 time during the whole debacle he held micheal to account? I can't. It was all wishy washy shyt like he'll get therapy, he's a good person, you need to drop this and move on with your life.And how the fukk did he diminish the level of offense?
Clown posting right here. How fukking dumb can you be? I slap you in the face showing you how wrong you are and you come back with the same bullshytI already covered that, monetary concerns please keep up.
you could hear the laughter in his voice as he said it, it's probably the reason the CBS producer in the truck didn't cut to his face as he said it because it would make the whole thing look like a charade.
can you name 1 time during the whole debacle he held micheal to account? I can't. It was all wishy washy shyt like he'll get therapy, he's a good person, you need to drop this and move on with your life.
Don't be naive
you could see him at 1.05 Mark laughing then when the camera catches him he gets super serious. He was fine with the audience laughing and giggling then when the camera cuts to his face he says half heartidly stop laughing, it was a charade.Clown posting right here. How fukking dumb can you be? I slap you in the face showing you how wrong you are and you come back with the same bullshyt
LOL @ laughter in his voice
He was telling those dumbass audience members to shyt the fukk up dumbass
Yeah cause celebrities never utter falsehoods right? Least of all a slimey Jew, noooooAnd he CLEARLY stated that Richards asked him to do the apology with him
Bro stop replying to me with this shytyou could see him at 1.05 Mark laughing then when the camera catches him he gets super serious. He was fine with the audience laughing and giggling then when the camera cuts to his face he says half heartidly stop latugging, it was a charade.
Yeah cause celebrities never utter falsehoods right? Least of all a slimey Jew, nooooo
did the debacle not happen to coincide with the promotional tour Jerry was doing for the release of his dvd? Don't be dumbBro stop replying to me with this shyt
You just created all the shyt out of your imagination, it's odd
Now Jerry's randomly lying about Richards asking him to appear with him? And it's because he's a 'slimy Jew'
so the optics of Jerry 's demeanour being altered not once but twice when he knew he was on camera is something I created huh? KCall people's character into question, with nothing but shyt you created in your head while calling people a 'slimy jew'
You're either trolling or just have the mind of a teenager
If anybody takes the time to watch that video, they'll see how dumb all that shyt your posting is
You calling it a' debacle' is weird in itselfdid the debacle not happen to coincide with the promotional tour Jerry was doing for the release of his dvd? Don't be dumb
Call people's character into question, with nothing but shyt you created in your head while calling people a 'slimy jew'
You're either trolling or just have the mind of a teenager
If anybody takes the time to watch that video, they'll see how dumb all that shyt your posting is so the optics of Jerry 's demeanour being altered not once but twice when he knew he was on camera is something I created huh? K
simply look at 1.05 and 1.35 his actions are clearly prompted by knowing he was on camera but we'll agree to disagreeYou calling it a' debacle' is weird in itself
And yes, he clearly was highly uncomfortable with the situation and the audience laughing
There is literally NOTHING in that interview/apology that suggests he thought it was a joke. Whatever laugh you're imagining is the sound of him being straight up uncomfortable with having to be apart of that apology
Have you even watched the video?
He went out of his way to tell the audience to shut the fukk up and take this seriously
This is like talking to a fukking wall. The 'optics of Jerry's demeanor'
What the fukk breh? What are you even talking about
How hard is it to just say you were wrong or remembered the situation incorrectly
Literally everything you said in that original, long winded post was just wrong. I posted the video and you're still trying to make shyt up
Cmon bro, just say you are wrong and keep it moving
yup, had a hard time not looking at the screen with pure hatred every time dude was on screen (which was every 5min) so i just stopped watching it....it was funny tho but im just too militantI loved then humor but stopped watching after Kramers racist tirade
Wait what did Seinfeld doYeah it's just a shame years after we have come to see the ugly sides of Michael Richards and the slimey Jew the show is titled after