HarlemLiar aka @HarlemHottie came in that other thread juelzing, talking about “I urged people to vote for Harris”All the while aggressive dapping MAGA set in here and that other thread. So pathetic. The cowardice to be disingenuous on an anonymous forum is always perplexing. But what can you say when someone came on here with schtick, following the The Coli’s playbook to a T like her fellow New Yorker @Henri Christophe aka Corporate Trapper
Fools tap dancing for tRump and not getting a dime in return, just eroded civil liberties & rights. But your mother a panther and you got that panther spiritsit your two dollar ass down before I make change.
I said this in another thread, if the truth got out that these "bothsides" voted for Trump, they will seriously get harmed or killed by the people they least suspect. They signed their literal death warrants when they voted for Trunp and will get bodied withno remorse.
They sided with corrupt police that will kill loads of black men with no remorse. They the modern slave catchers.