I Appreciate Y'all


Mar 11, 2022
First you need a clinical sociologist.

Do not hire a psychiatrist.
Psychiatrist only prescribe drugs.

You do need scripts to be better in life.

You need facts, knowledge of self, and sound judgement.

sound judgement can not come from a source. Whom is rooted in prescription drugs to alter sound judgement.

Only way you wind up in scripts is if you have an actual moment that makes no rationale sense. In the care of your clinicsl sociologist. So as kong as you are not have transference based outburst. You should be fine in that regard.


seek clinical sociological care.

not a psychiatrist.
Psychiatrist,... do not and are not trained to solve social life issues.
As their main directive.

Passing scripts is their main directive. You do. It need to be a cluck to solve life based issues.

Hire a clinical sociologist.

Wishing you.
Safe passage.

Art Barr

Art Barr
Hey listen- that is a GREAT suggestion and one of the best pieces of advice probably given on this forum

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
It's been a while since I last interacted in this space. My last post was heavy. I was burdened. I still am. Life is what you dare to make it and I'm trying every day like millions of others to make something presentable and respectable out of myself.

I received 6 PMs from concerned posters and I am grateful for your messages. Since my last thread, much has transpired : sleepless nights, a missing persons report, police, alcohol, another near suicide attempt, tears and gaining the constant worry and pity of my family and coworkers. My family is now paying for me to see one of the top black Psychiatrists in Birmingham. My first session was.. It was interesting. Time will tell if it will prove to be helpful. After the 1st session, she asked how I felt about being on antidepressants. I refused. But we'll see.

Against my own manly pride, I regretfully admit that I am not okay. I am not special or unique. There are many other black men in my same predicament; struggling to cope with being a shell of the man they once were and seeing no practical escape route. Coming to grips with such words is comparable to fighting against the tides.

My wife worries, my family worries. My coworkers whisper among each other wondering when's the next time Hathaway will snap. When's the next time Hathaway will try to fukking kill himself. Imbecilic leeches. They don't deserve me but I need money. Idc though. I'm a fighter. Always have been. My wife and my kids need me.
Its just crazy how meaningless life really is. āœŒšŸ¾
Keep saying no to the pills. Any hobbies? I personally find a good hobby keeps the mind busy. Keeps it from idling. That mind needs a break sometimes while we pick up the pieces. Find that special thing. If you don't know about it? Learn about it! Wishing you the best.