"I am a Hero" changes the "Zombie" Horror Genre

Jun 24, 2012
Japanese Zombie films were boring and uninspiring and American Zombie genre has been overdone and redundant. Just like "Train to Busan", "I am a Hero" brings a brand new flavor and attributes to a dying or played out genre.

Directed by Shinsuke Sato( Princess Blade, Gantz live action series, Library Wars films and Death Note: Ligt Up the New World) comes an adaptation of a manga series with the same name. Though many adaptations of manga fall short, Sato knows how to grab the core of interpretations and place it into films that work. The film surrounds a 35 year old manga writer/sketch artist named Hideo( Hero ) who's life is going nowhere with a failed relationship with his girlfriend and his boring job with no real purpose. The film picks up heavy when Hero goes back to his crib that he was kicked out of by his girlfriend to check on her. He only finds out something is totally wrong. The film goes into adrenaline mode for about another 20 mins which is fantastic. The film plays on your psyche a little, wither to define this movie as a comedy or a horror or both, but it most definitely grabs your attention regardless.

There are only a few characters that are interesting in this film. It is the zombies who are the stealers of this film. They aren't 1-d like most zombie films. They are very alive, smart and calculated monsters. What also makes this film different and brings new flavor is the film also brings out what if scenarios to the hero which you get to witness which plays inside his head. The action is really good and the TAXI scene is...:ooh::damn:

and the Apartment scene is...:whoo:, this film is worth the watch. Production is top notch here.

Dirty Mcdrawz

Your girl loves em....
May 3, 2012
They made a movie about this :gladbron:!!?? I used to read the manga but dropped it because I wanted to wait for the author to finished it up.
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