Just looked it up. Raping four different women in the early 2000s. One woman said she passed out woke up to him raping her and struggled with him until he choked her into submission. Three were Scientologists like him and they went to the police and the church and all charges and reports disappeared. That’s a big deal for a Scientologist to go the police against another Scientologist- it pretty much can get you banned. HuffPost says there is a lot of credible evidence against him
Man, I got into it on Twitter last night trying to argue this very point.
I feel like this is something a lot of people either don't know....or choose to overlook. Going to the police against a fellow member garners way more than a "you can't sit with us" from the church. Instead it's more like a "not only can't you sit with us, we're getting you expelled, everyone you know will abandon you and you will lose everything you've ever loved". At least one of these women went to the police over a decade ago, as well as the church and police have been investigating these claims for some time (albeit after being covered up for 12+ years).
Going to the police is not something Scientologists take lightly, nor is it likely to be a part of some elaborate extortion scheme since the church is known to vehemently defend members accused of rape and will throw however much money and resources it takes to paint victims as liars and make them disappear. Like there's literally nothing to gain from (falsely) accusing a Scientologist of rape unless you're REALLY into going broke over drawn out legal battles that you eventually lose.
Leah Remini's "Scientology" series is very eyeopening.