Jennifer Lopez was as compelling and beautiful as everyone has said, and she deserves the accolades for her performance, which hasn't been seen since 1998 "Out Of Sight". Cardi B, whom I don't listen to at all was hilarious and surprisingly a great actor, as was the entire cast. The movie is just a little too pat and formulaic in the falling action, to be truly a masterful movie, but it's very good for what it was. Lopez is beguiling in all the ways she can be, and the inner workings of the strip club plus the focus on those halcyon days of 2007/2008, which are close to my own memories really worked for me. Now that time has passed, and filmmakers and storytellers are older, it's cool to see the portrayal of those years in the mid 2000's, that have so far gone largely undocumented, (aside from Recession centered movies).
The larger themes are hinted at, and not fleshed out, but it's understandable in a 100 minute movie, it's really a testament to the script/direction/acting that sell this movie. I think it hits harder than Mollys Game, though it suffers from the same flaws and directional choices. What a surprisingly great movie. I pictured some sort of goofy Baywatch remake style of strip clubs, but this was empathetic, grimy, glamorous, fun, all in the same frame. I also am so glad that I have never been, and never will be a "strip club guy", aside from some time in Tijuana when I was a minor, I remember a girl sticking her tongue in my ear when I was 14 in TJ. That scene with Lopez and Wu in the Escalade when she hears the Brittany song and says "I got pocket full of ones", was just perfect.
Regarding the morality of what they did, I have no real issue, I think it's all in the game.
The larger themes are hinted at, and not fleshed out, but it's understandable in a 100 minute movie, it's really a testament to the script/direction/acting that sell this movie. I think it hits harder than Mollys Game, though it suffers from the same flaws and directional choices. What a surprisingly great movie. I pictured some sort of goofy Baywatch remake style of strip clubs, but this was empathetic, grimy, glamorous, fun, all in the same frame. I also am so glad that I have never been, and never will be a "strip club guy", aside from some time in Tijuana when I was a minor, I remember a girl sticking her tongue in my ear when I was 14 in TJ. That scene with Lopez and Wu in the Escalade when she hears the Brittany song and says "I got pocket full of ones", was just perfect.
Regarding the morality of what they did, I have no real issue, I think it's all in the game.