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I don't understand. I admitted it once the information was presented. So how did I fukk up?
A top secret National Security Agency program allows analysts to search with no prior authorization through vast databases containing emails, online chats and the browsing histories of millions of individuals, according to documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden.
The NSA boasts in training materials that the program, called XKeyscore, is its "widest-reaching" system for developing intelligence from the internet.
The latest revelations will add to the intense public and congressional debate around the extent of NSA surveillance programs. They come as senior intelligence officials testify to the Senate judiciary committee on Wednesday, releasing classified documents in response to the Guardian's earlier stories on bulk collection of phone records and Fisasurveillance court oversight.
Y'all fukkers act like this wasn't leaked a few days before the story:
So that doesn't exist? Like I said, the government is guilty until proven innocent from now on since that's the way they choose to treat the citizens of this country with their intelligence collections. Obama, Clapper have already been caught lying.
Lol why are you getting defensive and deflecting. Take your conspiracy L and move on. The whole premise of this thread was that the government was so actively monitoring the average citizens search terms that the police were even called in because of what they searched on the internet. This turned out to be totally not true and we already know about the nsa's program that is already out there but you were talking about the government becoming a near police state with them where they not only monitor your search terms but act on it before you even committed a crime. That you would even believe it is the height of lunacy or cynicism. I can't tell which one you are so decide that for yourself.
Lol why are you getting defensive and deflecting. Take your conspiracy L and move on. The whole premise of this thread was that the government was so actively monitoring the average citizens search terms that the police were even called in because of what they searched on the internet. This turned out to be totally not true and we already know about the nsa's program that is already out there but you were talking about the government becoming a near police state with them where they not only monitor your search terms but act on it before you even committed a crime. That you would even believe it is the height of lunacy or cynicism. I can't tell which one you are so decide that for yourself.
I'm not deflecting anything. The day prior to this story there was a leak published from the Guardian that details that the government has the capability to monitor search histories without proper prior authorization. That came out the day before. Published government documents and memos. It is there.
I took the lady's story at face value and linked the two. I was wrong for that because it doesn't seem to be the case.
But to act like it's a conspiracy theory without proper standing is absurd. We Know the government does it, they just didn't do it in this case.
then why are you relying on fake stories to substantiate your outrage?You can laugh all you want but that is what the leaked government memos and documents say. The Guardian has published a trove in the last few days. In these documents it specifically says the have the ability to access browsing histories of citizens without prior authorization or warrants.
They even have power point slides for the less intelligent among us to understand.
then why are you relying on fake stories to substantiate your outrage?
You're right. I'm so enraged by this article which was intentionally skewed to enrage me that I'm going to search for more intentionally skewed articles to further enrage me.What was fake about the story? People, including myself, jumped to the conclusion that it was related to over zealous government intelligence and we were were wrong in this case. I took the lady's story at face value and she left out details.
She was still visited by authorities in relation to her browsing history, it just had nothing to do with Xkeyscore.
You're right. I'm so enraged by this article which was intentionally skewed to enrage me that I'm going to search for more intentionally skewed articles to further enrage me.
I agree, the leaked information is troubling. However these fake stories, much like the "fake hate crime" stories, are equally troubling. Its also problematic that so many people could care less whether these stories are factual or not, as long as it further promotes their narrative. Hell, you even admit to it by saying "it doesn't matter that this story is fake, I know it's happening anyway."Fair criticism on your initial point. Can you tell me what is intentionally skewed about a leaked government document or memo? Is the government skewing it's own memos? Is the Guardian no longer a valid journalistic source?
The point still stands that the US Government has the ability to do what was claimed by this woman. I have already admitted that it wasn't the case here and that I jumped to conclusions in this case. I have no problem admitting I was wrong.