I think I hear an FPL truck now.
I know they like let's get these crazy n-words their lights back on before they start wilding out.
I was thinking more about their power restoration priority list, but they're probably thinking that too. I remember they would make daily runs by our house and we would be celebrating. Many of them would look at us like

I say Public enemy #1 because remember during Wilma where some neighborhoods had power restored within the first few days while the next block or even the next house down didn't receive power for as long as 6 weeks? There were alot of people pissed off about that. Now we have an even bigger list of people to tend to. When people began running extension cords between homes so everyone could have some power the fire department came through and made everyone remove them because they were considered fire hazards. People got even more mad.
Anyway, here's FPL's priority list:
According to a company website, FPL’s priorities for restoring power start with its own power plants, substations and damaged transmission lines.
Then, workers turn their attention to “critical facilities such as hospitals, police and fire stations, communication facilities, water treatment plants and transportation providers. Simultaneously, the company focuses on :”the largest number of customers in the shortest amount of time — including service to major thoroughfares that host supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations and other needed community services.”
Smaller groups are next in the pecking order, according to the company website. Workers will tend to them “around the clock until everyone has power again.”
We live by a hospital and it still took them 3 weeks to restore my blocks power lol.