This shyt fell apart in 8 hours. I don't Trump's people foaming at the mouth.
it looks like you missed a word or something so i'm not sure what you are saying exactly here but they most definitely are foaming at the mouth about this. and that's because they're fukking moronic cultists who proudly gather shoulder-to-shoulder without masks on during a goddamn pandemic for hours on end, just to give dear leader the adulation he desperately seeks.
think about it, let's be real. at any time during his presidency if trump tweeted " @Mybeardisglorious is a bad, smelly guy. and he punched a pony in the face! twice! DIFFERENT PONYS!" they'd believe it, they'd be 'angry' about it and you'd be getting crazy maga death threats within the hour. and you're a nobody. no offense.
but we're talking about joe fukking biden. the leader of the democratic party and the guy who could take the presidency away from trump...and it looks like he's in the lead. of course they're foaming at the mouth.