how fast is doomsday coming back after that first death?
you acting like dude is Resurrection man. Doomsday gets sonned by superman on the regular only ever beat him once. (but not really since superman didn't die and doomsday did).
Hulk has never died and there is no limit to his strength on the other hand dommsday has died numerous times and has been a losing since the death of superman.
Bane, Joker and Lex Luthur have way more impressive wins then doomsday. Abomination has way more wins then doomsday. Matter of fact Captian Marvel (either one) can beat doomsday.
i blame bad writing, IDK why it took him awhile to come back after the supes beating because that was they act like it was the first time he actually got his ass handed to him when in reality it was just that he died over and over as a baby just to come back to life and become immune to all possible death
when DOOM threw his first punch at superman it put the boyscout on the ropes Supes wasnt even aware of what hit him, plus hes already withstood a full on superman beatdown. Doomsday has the ability to evolve and adapt to any attack and keep going what does hulk have a healing factor? He gets hurt and heals but could still die.
Hulk cant be killed by a clown like Doomsday. Hulk has been killed but always comes back. Banner has been shot in the head, Hulk has ressurected from BONES. He cant be stopped.
Hulk has never died. Banner has shot himself in the head but at the last sec hulk comes out and shurgs off the bullet wound.
for the record doomsday has died numerous times while Hulk has not. And this is the thing that can beat the hulk?
Juggernuant has a better chance of beating the hulk then doomsday.
Comic Vine G's always come through with the
Among his most amazing feats are supporting a falling 150 billion ton mountain with leverage , ripping through a bunker designed to withstand the explosion of thousands of megatons in magnitude , eventually overpowering the Invisible woman, the Thing and the Human , matching the Scarlet Witch and Wonder man, Iron man and vision, while the narration establishes that the Hulk's power is greater than their combined might , matching the Super Adaptoid who had acquired strength and durability of a hundred heroes like Iron Man and the Vision , easily closing the doors to a nuclear core that Thor and the Thing together couldn't budge , reflecting gladiators ocular beams back into both eyes, and knocking him unconscious , knocking the Silver Surfer out with three blows , matching two Avengers teams during a prolonged period of time despite becoming gradually weaker due to his physical separation from Banner, almost breaking the East Coast and threatening to break the whole planet by the emission of pure power from his body , destroying the Crypto Man after he was boosted with physical strength superior to that of Thor , overpowering Tho , pushing two spheres of matter and antimatter apart , holding together the tectonic plates of a planet , overpowering a strong field of energy with sufficient power to change the orbit of a planet, destroying an asteroid twice the size of the planet Earth with a single punch due mainly to the superior toughness and to an impulse generated by the contraction of both legs , overcoming a power-draining mechanism which contained much of the combined power of himself,Doctor strange, the Silver surfer and Namour, applying force to the entire space-time structure to prevent all the Defenders from being absorbed into a fissure , easily smashing adamantium , breaking up the space-time continuum , ripping off a powerful device designed to fight against the Celestials , and to overcome Onslaught's enormous strength (who was at least Celestial level in raw power. However, probably his greatest feat was to send pure concussive energy throughout countless dimensions by the impact of his collision with Ironclad . Thor stated that the Hulk may be stronger than he is . The Hulk also grows stronger the more radiation and the more dark magic he catalyzes
Comic Vine G's always come through with the
Among his most amazing feats are supporting a falling 150 billion ton mountain with leverage , ripping through a bunker designed to withstand the explosion of thousands of megatons in magnitude , eventually overpowering the Invisible woman, the Thing and the Human , matching the Scarlet Witch and Wonder man, Iron man and vision, while the narration establishes that the Hulk's power is greater than their combined might , matching the Super Adaptoid who had acquired strength and durability of a hundred heroes like Iron Man and the Vision , easily closing the doors to a nuclear core that Thor and the Thing together couldn't budge , reflecting gladiators ocular beams back into both eyes, and knocking him unconscious , knocking the Silver Surfer out with three blows , matching two Avengers teams during a prolonged period of time despite becoming gradually weaker due to his physical separation from Banner, almost breaking the East Coast and threatening to break the whole planet by the emission of pure power from his body , destroying the Crypto Man after he was boosted with physical strength superior to that of Thor , overpowering Tho , pushing two spheres of matter and antimatter apart , holding together the tectonic plates of a planet , overpowering a strong field of energy with sufficient power to change the orbit of a planet, destroying an asteroid twice the size of the planet Earth with a single punch due mainly to the superior toughness and to an impulse generated by the contraction of both legs , overcoming a power-draining mechanism which contained much of the combined power of himself,Doctor strange, the Silver surfer and Namour, applying force to the entire space-time structure to prevent all the Defenders from being absorbed into a fissure , easily smashing adamantium , breaking up the space-time continuum , ripping off a powerful device designed to fight against the Celestials , and to overcome Onslaught's enormous strength (who was at least Celestial level in raw power. However, probably his greatest feat was to send pure concussive energy throughout countless dimensions by the impact of his collision with Ironclad . Thor stated that the Hulk may be stronger than he is . The Hulk also grows stronger the more radiation and the more dark magic he catalyzes
WHO IS DOOMSDAY!!??!?!?!?!?!![]()
i blame bad writing, IDK why it took him awhile to come back after the supes beating because that was they act like it was the first time he actually got his ass handed to him when in reality it was just that he died over and over as a baby just to come back to life and become immune to all possible death
The bad writing is the stuff about him coming back to life over and over again. Him being knocked out by Supes was written FIRST. All that backstory about how Doomsday was created came years after the fact.