Hulk Hogan explains why he didn't do the job for Bret Hart back in '93

Sep 12, 2013

Hulk Hogan said:
Before I give my Maniac’s some behind the scene scoops on how my Run came to an end in 93 which made me truly believe my career was over. Before I say any more on the matter, I’ll just say that I wanted to stay on the top and believed Hulkamania had a lot more in its gas tank but sometimes our ego’s get the best of us. As I’ve said in prior interviews Vince & myself have always seen eye to eye on most things. Seldomly we had disagreements and even when I disagreed, I’d always remain professional about it and do what was asked and take up my complaint after the fact like professionals do. Some guys pulled no-shows and some even took their ball & went home while screwing the company that made them as well as the fans who loved them; all for their misperception of thinking “they” are their own bosses or some other delusional thought process

Becoming a Superstar takes thousands and sometimes even millions of dollars and hundreds of people behind the scenes to make you have your very own marketable Brand. Why anyone would ever feel they were screwed or not feel a direction of their character was good enough for them or whatever is just mind-blowing to me! Wake-up call, you wouldn’t have your own Brand, exposure and popularity if it wasn’t for the company who made you. That being said, direction of my character wasn’t going the way I liked and since my contract was for a few extra years, I didn’t have much of a leg to stand on but remained professional and in late 1992 I had several conversations with Vince in regards to the direction of Hulkamania. We both knew it was still the hottest Wrestler Brand on the market by far but he felt it reached a plateau; which was hard to hear at the time but understood but respectfully disagreed. At the time, my in-ring career was slowed down a lot and I did other projects like filming Mr. Nanny and various public relation & community out-reach work for the WWE all around the country.

Storyline-wise, not much was on forefront and Hulkamnia was beginning to be shelved. I took this opportunity of not only being used not the way I wanted but simply not being used period to re-open discussions of Hulkamnia’s future. Vince had his mind made up and so did I and since we are like two stubborn brothers bull headed and banging heads, only to get headaches instead of budging. Even though I felt like I had a lot more to offer and didn’t want to leave the fans, I asked out of my contract since the writing on the wall (so to speak) seemed inevitable to retire anyways. Suprisingly Vince agreed and we began to plan for Hulkamania’s departure and to pass the torch once again.

At the time it HAD to be Bret Hart or Yokozuna. Bret Hart was in his first year being main event status and he clearly proved his dedication to the business and dominated the Tag Team division throughout the 80’s and the IC division for a few years and was just an amazing performer. His work ethic was off the charts and he clearly began to have a following that enabled him to not only be the face of the company but carry the torch successfully. Yokozuna on the other hand didn’t nearly pay his dues like the Hitman did but came in as an overwhelming force that shot him up to main event status almost overnight. Yoko was working a program with this hitman already and Vince & I knew we could get not only get a few extra bucks out of one last Hulkamania Run but also knew Hulkamnia could be instrumental in setting up the next guy.

I was leaning more towards Bret… so much in-fact we did some photo-shoots for a possible feud and even doing a tug of war with the belt looked awesome while seeing the pictures afterwards. However, Bret was a Babyface (good guy) and so was I. The only time a Babyface vs Babyface happened on a grand level thus far was at WM6 which caused a split crowd and even though it was awesome, it kept the crowd divided afterwards. Having a Heel (bad guy) beat the Babyface or vice-versa has always been the traditional format. In addition, Bret was just now beginning to be a major player and to have him go against Hulkamania with the risk of him generating heat over it didn’t make much sense. Just look at Wrestlemania 18, I went against the Rock as a bad guy and even though he was a good guy, the people booed him and pretty much turned him heel in that match if you watch it.

Not wanting to put a damper on Bret’s raise to the top, it was decided that Yoko would beat the Hitman at Wrestlemania 9 and prove himself to be unstoppable and have me come out to win beat Yoko on a whim and take the title from him to become the Champ for the last time and enjoy my final Run; which happened. In this process, it did put Bret on the back burner, but allowed Yokozuna to gain even more heat with the crowd and more established Yoko by giving him the credentials under his belt when defeating me at King of the Ring 1993… This not only eventually gave Bret Hart center stage as the main guy, but a great Heel to work with and no one had to share the spotlight with Hulkamnia anymore.
This was my last match in WWE for nearly 10 years.

After Yokozuna won against me, if that wasn’t enough he squashed me like a pancake brothers; which made for an easy & believable send off for me. Vince was happy with the way I put over Yoko and whoever beat Yoko in following years had the bragging rights to say they did what Hulk Hogan couldn’t; so it all made sense. WWE had the perfect bad guy that killed Hulkamania and I got out of my contract to pursue other projects, primarily Thunder in Paradise. I would say enjoy this video of that was believed to be Hulkamania’s last match in 1993 but… knowing the beating I took against this big man.


what do you think coli brehs?

is it :ehh:?

or is it :duck:?
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Bushes Hall Of Famer
Sep 14, 2014
In addition, Bret was just now beginning to be a major player and to have him go against Hulkamania with the risk of him generating heat over it didn’t make much sense. Just look at Wrestlemania 18, I went against the Rock as a bad guy and even though he was a good guy, the people booed him and pretty much turned him heel in that match if you watch it.

Not wanting to put a damper on Bret’s raise to the top, it was decided that Yoko would beat the Hitman at Wrestlemania 9 and prove himself to be unstoppable and have me come out to win beat Yoko on a whim and take the title from him to become the Champ for the last time and enjoy my final Run; which happened. In this process, it did put Bret on the back burner, but allowed Yokozuna to gain even more heat with the crowd and more established Yoko by giving him the credentials under his belt when defeating me at King of the Ring 1993… This not only eventually gave Bret Hart center stage as the main guy, but a great Heel to work with and no one had to share the spotlight with Hulkamnia anymore

I usually dont take much stock in most of Hogan's bullshyt, but this theory actually makes a lot of sense :ehh:
Sep 12, 2013
I usually dont take much stock in most of Hogan's bullshyt, but this theory actually makes a lot of sense :ehh:

i dunno, still feel like it's too hard to trust hogan here.

how does a win against "the guy that beat hogan" serve bret any better than a win against hogan outright? :patrice:

and remember it's not like yoko beat hogan clean. he cheated as well. so i'm not sure if i buy the "bret did what hogan couldn't do" justification.

at the end of the day i can't help but think hogan just didn't want to lose to bret. either because he didn't view him as an equal or because he feared a match against the new up and coming babyface might generate some heat on him.

but of course leave it to hulk to tell us that he was just looking to "protect" the other guy. :pachaha:

i dunno.... fukk knows really.

you know somewhere bret hart is fuming though :lolbron:
Sep 12, 2013
At this point in time Hogan could say the sky was blue and I'd still look out my window to make sure he wasn't lying

let hogan tell it and he wanted to lose all the time.

if you scour every interview over the past 10 years you will find clips of hogan claiming that he wanted to lose to just about everyone. on the network doc he says he wanted to "trade the belt back and forth" with piper because it would have made a whole bunch of money (even though he never did it with randy who was an even bigger star). on the jericho podcast he claims he was super stoked about losing to warrior and even says he would have been "more than happy" to job to andre at mania 3. i even once heard him say that HE APPROACHED BISCHOFF about dropping the belt to goldberg.

no wonder hollywood ran for president back in 98, dude is the master bullshyt artist. :blessed:
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
Not wanting to put a damper on Bret’s raise to the top, it was decided that Yoko would beat the Hitman at Wrestlemania 9 and prove himself to be unstoppable and have me come out to win beat Yoko on a whim and take the title from him to become the Champ for the last time and enjoy my final Run; which happened.


Chances make champions
Sep 27, 2012
206 x 734
Too much logic to be Hulktales, but too unbelievable to be true :mindblown:
nah, its not a hulktale at all, but the core logic of "we had me go over yoko as to not hurt bret's momentum :myman:" is just garbage. He probably believes it, but bret LOSING to yoko then having HOGAN lose to YOKO then later yoko gets his WIN BACK, makes the heirarchy


then LUGER shows up, powerslams YOKO, beats him at summerslam via countout and TIES royal rumble 94 with bret so the further heirarchy goes

LUGER = Bret

basically bret was buried QUITE CLEARLY for exactly a year; you can't tell me for a second the motivation was for bret's benefit at all. Luger would've been over him for the foreseeable future if he hadn't totally failed.
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
et hogan tell it and he wanted to lose all the time.

if you scour every interview over the past 10 years you will find clips of hogan claiming that he wanted to lose to just about everyone. on the network doc he says he wanted to "trade the belt back and forth" with piper because it would have made a whole bunch of money (even though he never did it with randy who was an even bigger star).
This is a great point actual)y....dude was never gonna trade the belt with piper, orndorff OR savage unless he was gonna go off tv.

The only jobs like that he ever did was clean to taker and yoko, to warrior, to luger and really thats it

And when you have your hand on the pen of the book you cant tell me it wasnt a choice.