I actually would like to see him be TNA champ just for the comedy
When broken down obese Mick Foley became champ it really don't matter who has the strap
Mick still has better everything than a lot of guys.
As a matter of fact, Mick can still put on a five star feud.
Which includes the content of the feud, the promos, and the actual build, workrate and finish of an actual match.
Hogun can not do any of that.
As a matter of fact, not once In his whole career.
wholeheartedly did, ho kogun ever do what Mick could do.
a matter of fact,..if not for the top ringsport movie franchise of all time.
That won an Oscar for best picture of all things.
Hogun would be a Billy graham ripoff and non-draw.
Hogun was an impressionist with no workrate,....
He just luckily had a part in the trilogy of a Oscar winning movie franchise.
In a once in a lifetime situational moment of happenstance.
If not for that,...hogun would be a never was.
He did not do it off, actual quality of product.
He was just associated with a movie.
Plus a clown in vkm,...who could not book worth a damn.
While ruining the entire draw of the business with oversaturation low quality carni method bullshyt.
Imprisoning the draw of the entire business domestically.
Which would have never recovered unless scsa,..came along.
Art Barr