@Hugs made the comment on the real reason black millennials WILL drop the ball just like older gen.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
I agree that parents didn't pass down the info. The civil right generation dropped the ball and didn't teach group economics.
Exactly and those are the older generation that me and everyone else are criticizing. Definietly not the Malcolm X generation.

I didn't grow up like that.... I was a black supremacist as a toddler.. got in kindergarten basically disgusted at this cave bytch trying to teach me shyt when I knew that most black kids can start of at the 3rd grade if they are raised right...... me my brother and cousins, 14 black boys were all told we'd be in the worse trouble for allowing a cac to score higher on anything than us.
stupidity and ignorance are Caucasian traits is what I was taught.
Thanks because you unlike many of us had pleasure of your parents installing some black consciousness and pride in you.


Education, building/business, economy, an agenda ARE NOT THE motivator of Black EMpowerment.......... Those are methods not reasons. M. Garvey didn't build ships and businesses because of some random shyt... he did it for pride. Elijah Muhammad didn't come up with the dopest economic plans just because - he did it to uplift blacks as a group.
We are disagreeing because we are saying two different things. You're talking about pride and I'm talking about basic survival. Here's the thing us black millienials are the transition generation going head on into the 21st century. We are unique, because we remember the time before the 21st century, but yet we are adapt to the time we are currently in with the digital technologies, internet and social media; we're "digital natives". But to get to the nitty gritty if us millienals fukk up, then blacks going to endure a century of the samething, but possibly worse. If we turn things around thing we can really change things for blacks in America for the 21st century.Thats why all eyes are on us. Its about survival.

Education,building/business, economy and an agenda are BASIC SURVIVALS that other groups natural practice. You shouldnt need pride for black empowerment. Black empowerment should be a NATURAL basic survival. That's what Dr Claude Anderson teaches.

In every case that we've seen in history - IT STARTS with Black pride. It starts with Black centered ideology.
Can you elaborate more.

If we TRY without that we will fall on our face..... Remember they fukked up Tulsa OK plenty of times. Bombed that shyt plenty of times. They Only time they were not able to rebuild is when they were on that integration wave and Bam ... the black dollar went from being circulated to being pushed out after 5 min. They no longer had an economic base to rebuild.... and they believed in the illusion of includion.

Those ideas are poison for the new blacks and 90's babies..... So for every 2 bruhs that's motivated you have 200K that aren't down with black pride. Black Pride makes them uncomfortable... It's not just bruhs on the coli who say " coli mlitant'.... it's damn near the entire generation who are scared and uncomfortable with Really Being Pro Black.

But don't you think the recent shootings opened up peoples eyes. Because I've seen it in both online and the internet... Even with family members(the younger ones)...


Jun 4, 2012
If you're born after 1980 you are a millenial and highly likely to be an indigo child.

so i have four sons.

3 are normal. 1 we really don't know wtf to do with. He's a genius.. not a genius in a we are just saying it way. But in a math and science genius way... High school math at age 6 way. Calculates in his head faster than his mother... she has a graduate finance degree.

Doesn't watch cartoons.. watches the history channel. Got my HC2 dvd and watched it 15 times.... Doesn't fukk with the kids in his class. They are smart too because its a private school, but he's above them.

is that sorta like an indigo child, because hes madd insightful too... Really we can't do shyt with him, can't teach him shyt. ?


Jun 4, 2012
You're talking about pride and I'm talking about basic survival.
you can survive by yourself or as a group. As a group takes pride. Period.

Dr Claude Anderson teaches
he calls it Black Group economics for a reason...
in Jewish elemetary schools they don't just teach about taxes and money... they also teach pride.. and so does any successful group , including 100% of our Black examples.

Can you elaborate more.

I explained with black wallstreet and how all the tech and business sense in the world doesn't mean shyt for a people without pride and supremacy in the form of mental separation. We want to be a part so bad that we lose.
Name ONE example of black success without Black Pride. Name one example of Black Empowerment without black Pride.

t don't you think the recent shootings opened up peoples eyes.

If the only thing that can open up our minds is for white people to start reporting on our deaths.......... Then WE LOST ALREADY.
This shyt didn't just start happening.... It's just being sensationalized.
and we are being tricked and fukked by movements like blacklivesmatter etc...............
Black people go back and forth every other decade anyway witih being more conscious and or militant.......THIS time at least they can allow it to happen but control it. Sort of like taking the top off of shaken up bottle of Soda Just a lil bit to let the fuzz out..... instead of letting the top come off all the way and the shyt spills over...

They allow us to do all this cute shyt.. But think

really think about it

what black wallstreets are being built?
what economic base is being built?
Is our family structure being rebuilt?
Are c00ns being called out more OR are so called militants being called out more?
Are we believing that we can have black empowerment without Black pride???:wow:
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)

so i have four sons.

3 are normal. 1 we really don't know wtf to do with. He's a genius.. not a genius in a we are just saying it way. But in a math and science genius way... High school math at age 6 way. Calculates in his head faster than his mother... she has a graduate finance degree.

Doesn't watch cartoons.. watches the history channel. Got my HC2 dvd and watched it 15 times.... Doesn't fukk with the kids in his class. They are smart too because its a private school, but he's above them.

is that sorta like an indigo child, because hes madd insightful too... Really we can't do shyt with him, can't teach him shyt. ?
YUP...they get smarter and smarter after the years go by. Most of the super geniuses of our era were dopeboys, breh.
There was no internet, so the innate mathematical scientific skills were applied to English Lit, shyt like Making Beats...and selling crack...and other shyt...Crime and Music.
Set that boy loose with as much information as you can. Show him spirit science. Show him shyt about tesla, theory, etc...

Any type of information you can find on THEORY...quantum physics, etc.



Jun 4, 2012
YUP...they get smarter and smarter after the years go by. Most of the super geniuses of our era were dopeboys, breh.
There was no internet, so the innate mathematical scientific skills were applied to English Lit, shyt like Making Beats...and selling crack...and other shyt...Crime and Music.
Set that boy loose with as much information as you can. Show him spirit science. Show him shyt about tesla, theory, etc...

Any type of information you can find on THEORY...quantum physics, etc.

We're looking at some places to put him...

It's tough for us, because he absorbs info faster than we can really teach it plus , we wanna make sure he doesn't grow up a fukking weirdo.
He caN tell u the exact score of every msu basketball and football game N who they were playing , off the top of his dome. He doesn't even like sports, bUT there's a bunch of numbers so he watches.

I def agree about dope boys. People just don't know...
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
We're looking at some places to put him...

It's tough for us, because he absorbs info faster than we can really teach it plus , we wanna make sure he doesn't grow up a fukking weirdo.
He caN tell u the exact score of every msu basketball and football game N who they were playing , off the top of his dome. He doesn't even like sports, bUT there's a bunch of numbers so he watches.

I def agree about dope boys. People just don't know...

Naw keep your child just give him the ability to get the information himself...that's ALL you gotta do, he will learn on his own. See if you can homeschool. He'll smash the standardized testing they require and that's all you really need. Keep him away from "them people"...High IQ black children are treated the same if not worse than others. A teacher from a Montessori school (hint) I attended told me long ago, after I was "misinterpreting reality"...two things (I was 16)...she was a white woman. Unlike that cac professor, this woman KNEW the deal:
1."You are mentally an adult and you've been a mental adult for quite some time. Stop expecting rewards for good behavior. Rewards systems are in place to train children how to act correctly. Expecting rewards for good behavior is childish"
2."You are not special because you're highly intelligent. This is a country of averages. Do you think they treat special needs people well? To the system, you are the same as them. You are an anomaly. A disruption. This is why you are treated badly. Anything deviating from the middle is unwanted unless it can be of use. Tools are useful, and you are not a tool."

In a nutshell: They got places for smart kids and they're not good places. Real shyt, breh. I've been in places for smart kids, I've been in places for bad kids...They intersect and overlap damn near 100% of the time. Watch your child closely, keep him near.

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
i think we'll drop the ball simply because we still want to change the system while being willing participants in the system.....kinda like the Civil Rights movement...but I can't fault us since we are kind of forced to go to their schools and work for them in the early stages of our life...but after a while, there really needs to be a push to cut off the umbilical cord..

a lot of blacks(people in general too) compartmentalize their life which is why they can talk big shyt online but offline they fall right in line into the rat race...cacs really ain't worried bout Black Twitter...online pro-black text never moved me....I know a couple thorough brothas who really do what they say, but most black people I know aren't pro-black...their biggest complaint is something like "oh im tired of these whites at my job blah blah blah......can't wait to get paid and hit happy hour"


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Nah. The polar shift and other world events are happening at the same time. Something dope is about to happen. Just watch and do.

I don't know if this is the right word. But there is change in the air...................I mean how many of yall know about the Trans Pacific Partnership....you think Black Twitter is going to speak about this????

If passed, which is in secret negotiations right now, it will strip away the ability for the government to regulate companies.....they can give you rotten food and sell it to people, and the government would be forbidden to regulate b/se of this "partrnership". I guarantee Black Twitter will not touch that cause we are being conditioned to think in terms of separated identity and not look at the wider agenda/events impacting everyone. :francis:

So the point is OP is right in that the MSM is not giving out "real" news, but emotional soap opera dramas that is important, but ignore the more comprehensive events occurring. If that makes sense. :lupe: