Yall gonna whoop a retards ass if he steps to you with his fists up?
this retard got it
Yall gonna whoop a retards ass if he steps to you with his fists up?
I never said it wasn't excessive, however dudes get stomped out like that all the time in 1 on 1 fights. That is why I said there are harsh consequences, once people go in that fight/flight mode and actually start fighting not many can dial down their anger because they are being flooded with adrenaline.
That is why I said don't square up on men, my sister had 1 fight with a guy in her life, she was 8, my girl has NEVER fought any men. There's a certain type of female that squares up on dudes, you ever hear about some chick at Harvard, NYU, Columbia etc throwing hands with men like that?
It's a woman... I dont care what "type" or woman she is, she's a woman. It takes a certain type of bytch ass man to even get a woman to square up with you. Disgusting and inexcusable.
It's a woman... I dont care what "type" or woman she is, she's a woman. It takes a certain type of bytch ass man to even get a woman to square up with you. Disgusting and inexcusable.
well that retard kinda had it coming
It looked like that fat dude/he-bytch confronted him, and was even waiting for him judging by the crowd. Why do you jump to the conclusion that he orchestrated this? That bytch could be grimey as hell, you don't know her...why are you giving it the benefit of the doubt?
well that retard kinda had it coming
Conditions like Downs Syndrome and Autism is not an excuse to do what you please and get sympathy in return. The cry of "he doesn't know better" just doesn't wash with me. He knows alot better than a dog, but you wouldn't think twice about putting a dog down if it attacked a child. I don't care if someone has a disability or a troubled childhood, the fact is this is an aggressive indivdual, excuses aside. If you don't know any better, all the more reason you should be locked up.
All i'm saying is, there's ways to defuse a situation before it even comes down to any of that type of shyt. If anything, you leave... What's the purpose of fighting a broad? Jail? Looking like a bytch for striking a woman? Nah... I'll let a bytch win in her mind, walk away, then keep it moving. shyt's a lose lose in every way.Dawg, there are women that get in dudes faces all the time, if someone raises a hand to you and hits you, you have every right to defend yourself. In other countries women aren't squaring up on dudes like they are here because they know that the law won't protect them after they catch that 1 hitter. Like I said before, I have never hit a woman, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't to stop some dumb broad from attacking me.
So, what if a woman did that to your kid, you gonna be like "She's a woman! I can't hit her!".....
Now what if that was some big bull dike bytch that kicked your kid? Would you restrain yourself and say "It would be disgusting to retailiate against your holy female being".
Ion believe that.
Let's just look at what you said.
You said he wouldn't of been as hyped/animated if he was fighting a man but any man who has been in fights knows that you are naturally hyped in a fight. Your statement was odd, like if it was a man instead of a chick he would not be trying to beat the shyt out of him in the middle of a fight. Odd.
All i'm saying is, there's ways to defuse a situation before it even comes down to any of that type of shyt. If anything, you leave... What's the purpose of fighting a broad? Jail? Looking like a bytch for striking a woman? Nah... I'll let a bytch win in her mind, walk away, then keep it moving. shyt's a lose lose in every way.
Hitting them would be doing exactly what they want you to do