How would you respond (part 2)?

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
this a response from a chick:


It wouldn't be flamenco without the dresses right!? Yes when we perform we definitely wear the dresses. I even own a few since I have been doing this for so long ;-)

To your other question, yes I would like to go out sometime :-). My work schedule is definitely not the traditional 9 to 5 with weekends off though. It depends on the occupancy of the hotel. I am free this Saturday after 530 though. What does your schedule look like?


Would yall go out on date on Saturday? For those are Tom Leykis fans, he recommends, not going on a date on the weekend, because it implies to the girl you dont have anything going on? Over reading into? She it just be cool to schedule something then. Or, flip into some available later in the evening during work days too?

now she says: good morning, have a great day! dinner was just a suggestion. whatever you decide I am sure will be fine. Just keep me in the loop lol

I have not responded to her previous text when she said: maybe dinner?

what are yall thoughts? try to get the dinner at her place, on some we should cook dinner.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
She is off, the entire day tomorrow(Thursday).

It seems it one of those set you up into a date window.

Imma just push it back to her, see what she wanna do.

Tired, of the guy impress the girl, too many simps.

I am the catch. Impress me. Where are you taking me? Is you going to be my gps passenger? will you open the door? Would you look for valet parking?


May 26, 2012
San Diego
I can see that point of view, like it gives the women too much control, and make it appear, superficially at least that she could have said just about any time and you would have been free, but it's Saturday afternoon, if you work a 9-5, it's not like it's bizarre and desperate to have free time, on the weekend.

This what fukks the whole thing up, imo, everyone playing games and trying to manipulate the other person, I'm just 100, and if the girl isn't, that's on them, and I at least know I was honest and sincere, even if they weren't.

andre patton

All Star
May 2, 2012
sounds like you're playing a game no one else is playing.

i dont take these hoes out on dates. theres got to be a level of familiarity there for me to enjoy your company 1 on 1. ill invite a girl to ride along with me to whatever social function i'm going to attend. say a group of people i know are gonna meet up with a bar ill see if she wants to roll thru. if things arent going well i can just ignore her and have a good time with my friends. if things do go well i can always pull her aside for 1 on 1 time.


Jul 1, 2012
Your gonna fukk this up if you start getting psychological with it.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
sounds like you're playing a game no one else is playing.

i dont take these hoes out on dates. theres got to be a level of familiarity there for me to enjoy your company 1 on 1. ill invite a girl to ride along with me to whatever social function i'm going to attend. say a group of people i know are gonna meet up with a bar ill see if she wants to roll thru. if things arent going well i can just ignore her and have a good time with my friends. if things do go well i can always pull her aside for 1 on 1 time.

hows trying to close on a date, gaming?


Jul 15, 2012
its not the date, its the guy??? explain.

There is absolutely no place a man can take me and no amount of money he could spend that would make me want to sleep with him. Although you are probably talking to the wrong woman (because I am not going to have sex with someone I just met), deciding to sleep with the guys is more about his personality and sex appeal than it is money.

Dinner and a movie is not going to show her your personality. Yall are going to end up having lame conversation and end the night with a kiss.

Do something physical and fun (so you guys can laugh together). Also, if you do something physical, you won't come off as a perv trying to getting in her pants if you have to touch her throughout the date. It will also give you away to show off.

Maybe you guys could cook together (again...that way you could show her your cooking skills. It will either make her feel like she has to impress you or maker her want to do something for you). If you cook at your house, don't overtly try to put the moves on her. Act like you don't even care about having sex that night (she will wonder what's wrong and why you didn't try anything...making her want to try something).

However, the "don't schedule dates on Saturdays to prove a point" thing is lame to me.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
There is absolutely no place a man can take me and no amount of money he could spend that would make me want to sleep with him. Although you are probably talking to the wrong woman (because I am not going to have sex with someone I just met), deciding to sleep with the guys is more about his personality and sex appeal than it is money.

Dinner and a movie is not going to show her your personality. Yall are going to end up having lame conversation and end the night with a kiss.

Do something physical and fun (so you guys can laugh together). Also, if you do something physical, you won't come off as a perv trying to getting in her pants if you have to touch her throughout the date. It will also give you away to show off.

Maybe you guys could cook together (again...that way you could show her your cooking skills. It will either make her feel like she has to impress you or maker her want to do something for you). If you cook at your house, don't overtly try to put the moves on her. Act like you don't even care about having sex that night (she will wonder what's wrong and why you didn't try anything...making her want to try something).

However, the "don't schedule dates on Saturdays to prove a point" thing is lame to me.
How about making dinner at her house? I asked: what do you want to do on Saturday? She texted: maybe, dinner? (not overreading, I am assuming she is committed to meting on Saturday) - I could respond to her text saying: sure we could make dinner at your place! How to approach that? How could it go over with coming off as sleezy?

Also, as to physical dates, what are some physical dates (bowling, etc)?

The not dating on Friday/Saturday, stems from women who take advantage of guys to get an expensive restaurant free meal.