Bernie wasn't really advocating bring factory jobs back like Trump as much as he was about creating jobs to rebuild the infrastructure and providing free public college for easier education.We start by acknowledging "the jobs" are never coming back. Manufacturing is dead. Anyone (be it Trump or Sanders) promising a return of factory work is lying to you, because paying people here $8 an hour is never going to appeal to corporations more than paying someone 8 cents an hour in Asia. Facts.
The question should be how do we create or foster new jobs, and what old jobs still exist. Short term we start with infrastructure. A massive stimulus focused on rebuilding America would create a lot of jobs and spur many city economies. But obviously construction jobs end when the project ends, so there has to be something more long term. Americans are doing a good job of building solar panels for the world. We should continue to do that and invest more. Urban farming would be a great way to further lower food costs and get people to work.
Perhaps the most long term important factor is EDUCATION. There are a lot of jobs out there that Americans are not qualified for. We need to invest more in education, including adult education. Making community colleges more accessible is a great idea. We should also be looking into making 4 year universities less expensive, especially if they are publicly funded. How we do this I don't know.
can we get rid of these lead pipes first. The homes in the city of philadelphia are from 100 years ago. can we build some public schools first? can we stop paying teachers fast-food wages?
I do not believe americans really want those jobs. Jobs are a front to the days when white men were the head of the family, coloreds were in the back of the bus, and you could have a side woman and your wife couldn't do anything about it.
Smart of Trump to focus on trying to bring back jobs, but it's not going to happen. No president will think this far out, nor will our Congress, but they should really be thinking of what to do with people when robots take over most jobs in 20 to 30 years.
Jerry Brown is a jackass, but he was on the right path when he said, "Jobs for every American is doomed to failure because of modern automation and production. We ought to recognize it and create an income-maintenance system so every single American has the dignity and the wherewithal for shelter, basic food, and medical care. I'm talking about welfare for all. Without it, you're going to have warfare for all."
Elon Musk said something about this recently as well.
No Republican could consider Brown's statement with a straight face right now, but it's a very real problem that will need addressed and I'm not sure what the options are.
Fukk those jobs. Like I wanna be in a factory making iPhones? Give me a universal minimum income so I don't have to work at all.
Not sure what part of that was a jokeWorld War III
There will be plenty of jobs in the post-war period to rebuild everything