The Reapportionment Act and gerrymandering are the root causes of this. Congress could repeal the act and pass legislation to fix both of these...lmao
the gulf between rural state politicians and urban politicians and even the number and type of people they represent has never been so distinct
talk about playing stupid games
He can’t do a damn thing now, Manchin owns Biden.He's feeling the heat of the growing discontent and knows he played a pivotal role in getting Biden across the line when Bernie was washing him. Lets see what kind of pressure Clyburn can apply to get voting rights done.
Nah, it actually tells the story of America and how it’s not a country that wants you to prosper unless you are willing to see others suffer.
And you say we have bad politicians that don’t work in the interests of their people, yet also say that people are willing to vote for them because they work for their interests. You are too excited to overcomplicate something that isn’t complicated.
Those voters are not voting for economic policies that can improve their material well being. Those voters are voting on cultural issues. And by cultural issues, I mean anything that maintains the power of whites(mostly men) over everyone else.
and by “Those voters”, I mean crackers in rural states and areas.
This is not rocket science.
Almost like I’ve seen this beforeThose voters are not voting for economic policies that can improve their material well being. Those voters are voting on cultural issues. And by cultural issues, I mean anything that maintains the power of whites(mostly men) over everyone else.
and by “Those voters”, I mean crackers in rural states and areas.
This is not rocket science.
It's not crazy at all. The Democrats offered nothing financially to improve those peoples lives, while the GOP offered a culture war.
Read what I said. The Dems offered no support and the GOPs fed them the culture wars. And if you haven't noticed, a lot of black people are eating up the culture war bullshyt too.
It hit me recently that the leaders of the Dems and Reps have agreed to fight the culture wars and let the societal and economics slide down.
A few of us have said it for a while, have an actual economic agenda that makes the lives of the poor and middle class better.
Most Americans vote against their interests because the national parties agenda is for the top 10%. Start talking about that and how we can change laws that will help you.
It will never happen because both parties work for the wealthy and elite donor class, but that’s how you excite people.
Obama won in 2012 by calling Romney an out of touch yuppie. Dems can’t and won’t do that because they are the out of touch yuppie and work for them.