It's gonna be an embarrassment. The only solution was to boycott. He will c00n it up no matter how much he insults whites.
If he tries to guilt trip whites on some "You enslaved us, but now you only non-nominate us!", they will fake laugh, but feel good that they still have the upper hand.
If he flat out insults them, e.g. "Yall have no rhythm! Pathetic crackers!", whites will fake laugh again while on the inside thinking "fukk you filthy ******s."
It's a no-win situation. The fact he's there to entertain them ruins the whole thing. It will be cringey. Even worse, he may be self effacing, e.g. "You know us black people tho, yall shut us out, but we just happy to entertain you!" "The only black movies reconised by the Academy is when we suffer! 12 Years a Slave, 15 weeks a convict, 18 months a racially profiled suspect shot at for no reason! I'm expecting that jawn to win it all next year!"
So get ready for white supremacy to flex tonight. Whites love being white, and tonight they will be reminded who is in charge. It ain't us.