How well has my music aged in 10 years? Admiral Crumple - Ancient Scrolls Video


All Star
Jul 12, 2014
There are tons and tons and tons of rap fans on this planet who look and sound exactly like you…so for that alone I’d tell you that you have a shot and to keep working and trying to improve, from your voice to the delivery to the bars to the flows, etc… there is a massive amount of room for improvement in all of the aforementioned categories.

In terms of that style and how it’s aged, it doesn’t age. You’re just rapping, that doesn’t play out and there’s always an audience for that.
Keep constantly trying to improve (if you’re serious about it), you’re going to encounter some who just think you’re ass, lol, that’s how it is…but some will actually listen and try to critique it genuinely with your best interest at heart, listen and learn from them.

Are you familiar with the battle rapper Charron? I’d advise you to go down a YouTube rabbit hole of all Charron’s stuff, from freestyles to battles to songs, etc… and study him, everything…I think that’d be super beneficial for someone with your sound and shhit.

I always respected you on here because you're one of Coli's "readers" you always post books as your profile image (wait you just updated it - does it work now? How did you change your profile pic?).

I respect that you said I just rap. And I agree with the bolded part.

I'm not close to G Rap. But his 80s song Poison is him just kicking bars and its timeless.

Yes, I've heard of Charron. I actually made bass of a the beat I heard him perform live off of once. The way it looped around and how it sounded live - I incorporated that in my beat for the Ashlyn track.

I like him but haven't checked for him in a minute.

I will now tho.

Thanks again for being different on Coli, for being a thinker, and respectful.