HAHAHAHAHA. So let me get this right..this is fukking hilarious. It really is. You're so phony and disenfranchised in your ways, that NOW you want the Undertaker's match against a back to back PPV loser like Punk to go last? You want a predictable Taker streak match against a guy who needed Maddox and Shield to beat Ryback for him? He already lacks credibility as it is..they DAMN SURE aren't going with no fukking gimmie Taker match in the last spot considering this was like some leftover shyt that barely was put together. Taker SHOULD of been back at Rumble if they really thought this match had meaning but he wasn't. He returned on a houseshow and Punk will have to be magnificent on the mic, you know show those ALL TIME great mic skills his followers believe him to have to get legit interest in this match if they don't go the Paul Bearer cheap route.
It's easy for the Rock and Cena deal....turn heel Cena. VERY fukkING SIMPLE. Then turn Punk face the next night since he can actually hold viewers during a segment after the Rock program put him over. But of course that won't happen. It's PG, remember? It's predictable. Simple. Less ordained. McMahon is 70. Stephanie is corporate phony and Cripple H likes dealing with development instead of getting the job done.
LMAO@looking forward to Cripple H going over Lesnar. Yeah..that will add buzz for the next year. No doubt.