Genius is a little much, thats like saying the guy who Mugen fighting game engine is a genius, because he made something that already existed for him to go off of
He was a shred business man that got over
the brillance behind facebook was the idea, not anything technological, and he didn't even come up with it he undercutted the other guy
just like Bill Gates, he's just a shrewd business man, and thats something that can't be taught
Basically. Facebook was a perfect storm. Mark stole a huge idea from the twins (in reality, it was the Indian kid's idea, the twins came later) and he had a roommate with $20,000 laying around. That shyt doesn't happen alot. Mark probably would've still been successful but, you have to keep things in perspective. Mark didnt come up with the idea for Facebook and without his friend, he wouldn't have had the money to maintain the site.