So you were so indignant that you looked up which restaurants use ranch packets IN their ranch, but you were too busy being an Idiot With Attitude to look up what's actually IN ranch itself. But it's I who am dumb and retarded. Go look up a recipe on your Speak and Spell. Or watch the fukking video the op posted, dumb fukk."Wingstop uses Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning packets to make their ranch dressing. Steve Hanson, who created the dressing in the 1950s, later opened Hidden Valley Ranch with his wife and began selling the dressing as a powder and a complete product."
"Red Robin uses Hidden Valley Ranch powder in their ranch dressing. Some say that to make a copycat Red Robin ranch dressing, you can mix buttermilk, mayo, Red Robin seasoning, and Hidden Valley powder, and then chill it for a few hours.
Did you see what I posted or not? Your dumb ass keeps talking in circles and I literally gave you the google search results that show you that you're retarded...

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