Getting rid of whack ass Cyborg would be great too. That character is ugly in every incarnation I've ever seen of him besides the Young Justice Cyborg.
They should've used John Stewart the Green Lantern. He's much cooler looking and more useful than that tech Frankenstein they keep forcing down our throat.
Even as a kid I've never liked Cyborg in the Teen Titans. I liked BBoy, Robin, and Raven more.

but he was ugly then and still is now. But one thing that I noticed was that one of my favourite episodes as a kid was titled, "Deception".
It's the only episode in the entire series that Cyborg actually looks cool and as a kid I loved it. He also looked somewhat his age rather than always looking like he's ten years older than everyone.
It was also the only episode in the entire series that a girl actually showed any interest in Cyborg.
Basically, if they don't want Green Lantern, at least make Cyborg look like a fukking human instead of an ugly ass Frankenstein/Hulk machine.
Finally, introduce Vixen or Nubia into the movies. Our sisters need representation too.