How to explain the KGB’s amazing success identifying CIA agents in the field?


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Seems like the KGB was watching game tapes (pre-Elin Tiger) while the US was fukking blacks (Mickleson - and his wife as payback, or vice versa).


KGB, like Tiger, fell off but the game can't be denied - and the potential is still there.

Golf references :ehh: Anyways Elin was cute but couldn't dress to save her life. That's one thing I hate about central European women granted she was from Sweden. Maybe she grew up poor.



Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
I read recently that they may have trained Zawahiri according to two former FSB agents. The guy in general is a ghost though. On the government side they often exerted influence in Syria, Egypt, probably others I've forgotten. Then you have the Soviet Union and their lot but they lost a lot of juice after they couldn't exert their former financial and material support. There was the theater attack, Beslan school massacre, numerous train bombings, Moscow apartment bombings(possible FSB false flag), everything that happens in the Caucasus post war could be described as terrorism. In the West I think we get a very limited view of what's actually happening there. There's still a low intensity conflict in Chechnya, Ingushetia, and Dagestan last I knew.

Is Chechnya facing wave of jihadist violence? - BBC News
Dagestan: Russia’s Most Troublesome Republic

Things will certainly ramp up in Russia if not at least the Caucasus again it's just a matter of when, and the historical grievances can't be understated. Supporting Assad just sweetens the deal for that lot.

Yeah for some reason I would expect it to be worse, precisely because those insurgent republics aren't a half world away. I guess security/intelligence/back channels in Russia must be something else.

Well if you look at a map, you understand why Russia is so antsy about the middle east. Its their backyard.

BUT...the US, being capitalistic, was able to offer more to the development of most of those regions more than Russia was.

Also consider that most of those regions are formerly european vassal states: Egypt, Iraq, and other small kingdoms are British. Syria? France.

So all of those anglo ties ended up going to the West. Not to mention, any sort of communist/socialist party that gained favor was instantly shamed and shuttled out of existence in favor of either monarchies or "democracies"

I know it's their backyard, and historically USSR/Russia has had a continental (Europe) strategy of expansion, kind of like Germany. But Syria's been Russia's ally for the longest (France's been out of there for a while) so knowing all the stuff Syria is in the middle of, it's actually surprising Russia hasn't been involved more at some point in the ME. IMO.