How to enjoy the rest of my 20s?


Jul 29, 2015
Los Angeles
But if I play in my 30s doesn't that seem like a 2nd childhood? Like I'm acting like a child ?

I can't go to the club a lot when I'm in my 30s like my 20s, nor would I probably want to.

I honestly didn't do bullshyt and fukked off, I actually went to school and worked my ass off to still be in the same position trying to get a bachelor's.

I made a wrong choice with school instead of skills.

I still will grind, but bruh I'm not tryna have a 2nd childhood type shyt.

That's why I'm buggin now because I honestly have been just chilling at home and was cuffed up with a bytch still grinding.

I have been on indeed for years with a handful of interviews. I have a useless AA.

I missed out on a lot of shyt and don't want to have a 2nd childhood.

I'm still going to focus on grinding, but I feel I should still be able to do things in my 20s that will not be so acceptable in my 30s.

Are you in school right now? What field are you trying to study? there are plenty of skillbuilding type of degrees out there that will open doors: comp sci, engineering, etc. It'll take a little more time however to backtrack if you didn't start on that science path, but still doable and the payout will make up for time lost.

What kind of skills are you thinking about acquiring?


The high exalted
Feb 4, 2016
Clear your debt, fix your credit, stack your paper, and buy some property so you can really enjoy your 30s and beyond....


Nov 17, 2017
I tried to do stem, but I kept failing math classes that i had to drop them many times.

Even If I managed to do ok in stem, I'll be in school for like another 5-6 years.

I can't be an adult still trying to get a degree with no type of dent job.

I have bills to pay and want to live life, yes a degree will help, but I need to get better money now to pay these bills.

I can't work some low paying retail job until I get whatever degree I get.

That's the main problem with what I'm going through, I've applied to jobs and when I had to quit them, It took a long time to find another, during each time my credit has went to shyt because all my money dried up at times.

My mistake was applying to jobs, instead of working on some type of skill or cert that would make me more employable than just using indeed' s bytch ass.

Right now I can only think about going into IT and getting a cert.

I might not even get a stem degree, I might fail out.

But I do want to at least have some fun in my 20s as well.

Are you in school right now? What field are you trying to study? there are plenty of skillbuilding type of degrees out there that will open doors: comp sci, engineering, etc. It'll take a little more time however to backtrack if you didn't start on that science path, but still doable and the payout will make up for time lost.

What kind of skills are you thinking about acquiring?


May 3, 2012
You sound very concerned to not even be 24 yet :hhh:.
Albeit i'm 25 and feel like my youth is slipping away like hell couldn't tell you a good memory i've had in my twenties:mjcry:

mortuus est

May 26, 2012
But if I play in my 30s doesn't that seem like a 2nd childhood? Like I'm acting like a child ?

I can't go to the club a lot when I'm in my 30s like my 20s, nor would I probably want to.

I honestly didn't do bullshyt and fukked off, I actually went to school and worked my ass off to still be in the same position trying to get a bachelor's.

I made a wrong choice with school instead of skills.

I still will grind, but bruh I'm not tryna have a 2nd childhood type shyt.

That's why I'm buggin now because I honestly have been just chilling at home and was cuffed up with a bytch still grinding.

I have been on indeed for years with a handful of interviews. I have a useless AA.

I missed out on a lot of shyt and don't want to have a 2nd childhood.

I'm still going to focus on grinding, but I feel I should still be able to do things in my 20s that will not be so acceptable in my 30s.

I went the wrong path of getting the wrong education and other things.

My momentum is slow because I have been applying for jobs like crazy and have had long times where I had savings go all to bills.

I did nothing wrong like over party or etc. I went to school, had a job, etc.

It's just that going through long droughts of having no income really messes with you and can set you back very easy.

I wish I could have grinded and worked more, but those droughts of unemployment have really fukked up a lot.

stop feeling sorry for your self man

ok so your 30's, you're looking at the age as if its 59
what is your idea of "playing"orr enjoying the finer things in life?
do you really enjoy the club that much??

do you ask yourself these questions because it just seems to me that you'r lazy tbh, you do realise you're not enjoying your self now and that these next few years are going to be painful

no one is going to really give you an ABC.. on how to get on with life, everyday you're getting old, what do you really want to do now that you cant do at 30? lol big man relax, you're 24 soon ,you aint a child, life is passing you by and you dont even know it.