How to enjoy the rest of my 20s?


Nov 17, 2017
TLDR: Time is moving fast, I'm 24 and want to enjoy my 20s instead of worrying about how old I'm getting and feeling too old for certain things. What do you guys recommend to enjoy the rest of my 20s?

I will be 24 soon and time is flying so fast. I want to enjoy myself instead of worrying about it. I feel like I'm too old for certain things.

I said in another thread that I felt I made the wrong move with focusing on just school and got an associates instead of learning skills and now I still have some more years left before I get a bachelor's where I have no idea if I'll get a good career from.

I also dated a chick who made me very lazy and all I did was fukk her brains out while she fattened me up. I fukked with other bytches here and there, but this one wouldn't leave. I felt I could have fukked wayyy more bytches and kept in shape like I was before I met her.

She was a bytch that wouldn't leave and I wish I blocked her sooner.

I feel so out of the game now, like I just divorced a bytch or something.

So now I'm still type swole, but have a gut that is so fukkin hard to lose.

I have no career or skills, but plan on getting some certs and with school idk if I'll stay or not because bills need to be paid and I want to make more money sooner than a lot later.

I just want to enjoy myself tho and figured id ask what u guys recommend I do?


Still gettin it!
Jan 27, 2017
PG County
Focus on getting skills/certs now. The good money will come later based on what you do now. Hoes will always be available in life.
Use the skills/certs you obtain to land a decent job you can springboard into a career. Once you have a career with a good company use them to
pay for your degree(s) (tuition remimbursement) while makin money and growing.


Nov 17, 2017
I guess u mean IT right ? Are there any other certs or skills u know about ?

I'm focusing on certs now more than college and I don't mind that taking some time, but school is very time consuming and takes a lot longer, plus my degree might not get me any type of job.

When u say women are available later in life, you don't think I'll be too old to worry about them and won't I be too old to still be tryna fukk a lot of women ?

Focus on getting skills/certs now. The good money will come later based on what you do now. Hoes will always be available in life.
Use the skills/certs you obtain to land a decent job you can springboard into a career. Once you have a career with a good company use them to
pay for your degree(s) (tuition remimbursement) while makin money and growing.

mortuus est

May 26, 2012
make sure you have a long term plan, thats one thing that will surly keep you on your toes

by your post it seems you dont make the best decisions, i'd suggest think a little before you act on something , dont be shook to experiment

do what you have to do and fukk everyone else, they gon judge you with anything so try not to think "but what would _____ think???"
of course have some grounding morals that keep you in check

read and observe, get in good shape and get your mind right cause 5 years go by very quick
its ok to be lazy here n there but just remember what you lose out on if you stay still for too long

just live breh cause tomorrow you could lose your leg in an accident and then youll really be fuked.

mortuus est

May 26, 2012
@Balla youve gotten the first step right which is understanding whats slowing down your progression

but ive seen you post about this stuff for months now, stop worrying and JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:demonic:


Feb 21, 2015
To be honest with you, it’s better to grind and put in the work in your 20’s and then to enjoy your 30’s. Your 20’s actually sets the foundation for the rest of your life. If you’re slow to build up momentum in your 20’s, it’s going to be hard to pick it up the older you get.

Your 20’s should be centered around acquiring education, skills (professional, technical, social), and experiences (traveling).

I wouldn’t necessarily be looking for “fun” in your 20’s, instead I would be looking for “value”.


Jul 29, 2015
Los Angeles
Honestly, it's simple.

The only way to stop worrying about shyt - is to stop worrying about shyt.

If you spend a lot of time worrying about it, when you're going to look back you're going to realize you spent too much time worrying.

Whatever happens is going to happen, handle it then with the best way you know how. How do you know if you made the right decision? Time will tell, as everything is in hindsight.

A little more down to earth/specific advice:

Regarding a relationship/women:
If you meet a woman, rather than ignore her because you're "grinding", see if she has her shyt straight. If she has a good income and you have a good income, that's two great incomes and a large headstart over any single person "grinding".

It's way easier to make it through life and build when collaborating with more people working together contributing, rather than shouldering everything alone. If you have a great circle and she has a great circle, that's two great groups of people uniting and that's what you call a "winner's circle".

If you don't have a group of friends like that, go out and try to make some and/or really focus on yourself so a successful woman will not look at you like a liability and not fukk with you.

Another thing, as it has some red flags:
I have no career or skills, but plan on getting some certs and with school idk if I'll stay or not because bills need to be paid and I want to make more money sooner than a lot later.

I just want to enjoy myself tho and figured id ask what u guys recommend I do?

This is a shaky line, because "enjoying yourself" and handling your responsibilities are nearly the opposite of one another. There are good times to be had when working, sure, but the focus must be on priorities if you're trying to set yourself up. If you just want the easy, smooth path, then be prepared not accomplish as much as you could have.

If you want to play, then play, but that runs the risk of results coming back subbar. Remember, 5 years of steady focus is worth it if it makes the next 30 years of life easier.
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Nov 17, 2017
Bro, could you please remove the last part of your post above.

God forbid that happen to anyone.

@Balla youve gotten the first step right which is understanding whats slowing down your progression

but ive seen you post about this stuff for months now, stop worrying and JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:demonic:


Nov 17, 2017
But if I play in my 30s doesn't that seem like a 2nd childhood? Like I'm acting like a child ?

I can't go to the club a lot when I'm in my 30s like my 20s, nor would I probably want to.

I honestly didn't do bullshyt and fukked off, I actually went to school and worked my ass off to still be in the same position trying to get a bachelor's.

I made a wrong choice with school instead of skills.

I still will grind, but bruh I'm not tryna have a 2nd childhood type shyt.

That's why I'm buggin now because I honestly have been just chilling at home and was cuffed up with a bytch still grinding.

I have been on indeed for years with a handful of interviews. I have a useless AA.

I missed out on a lot of shyt and don't want to have a 2nd childhood.

I'm still going to focus on grinding, but I feel I should still be able to do things in my 20s that will not be so acceptable in my 30s.

Honestly, it's simple.

The only way to stop worrying about shyt - is to stop worrying about shyt.

If you spend a lot of time worrying about it, when you're going to look back you're going to realize you spent too much time worrying.

Whatever happens is going to happen, handle it then with the best way you know how. How do you know if you made the right decision? Time will tell, as everything is in hindsight.

A little more down to earth/specific advice:

Regarding a relationship/women:
If you meet a woman, rather than ignore her because you're "grinding", see if she has her shyt straight. If she has a good income and you have a good income, that's two great incomes and a large headstart over any single person "grinding".

It's way easier to make it through life and build when collaborating with more people working together contributing, rather than shouldering everything alone. If you have a great circle and she has a great circle, that's two great groups of people uniting and that's what you call a "winner's circle".

If you don't have a group of friends like that, go out and try to make some and/or really focus on yourself so a successful woman will not look at you like a liability and not fukk with you.

Another thing, as it has some red flags:

This is a shaky line, because "enjoying yourself" and handling your responsibilities are nearly the opposite of one another. There are good times to be had when working, sure, but the focus must be on priorities if you're trying to set yourself up. If you just want the easy, smooth path, then be prepared not accomplish as much as you could have.

If you want to play, then play, but that runs the risk of results coming back subbar. Remember, 5 years of steady focus is worth it if it makes the next 30 years of life easier.


Nov 17, 2017
I went the wrong path of getting the wrong education and other things.

My momentum is slow because I have been applying for jobs like crazy and have had long times where I had savings go all to bills.

I did nothing wrong like over party or etc. I went to school, had a job, etc.

It's just that going through long droughts of having no income really messes with you and can set you back very easy.

I wish I could have grinded and worked more, but those droughts of unemployment have really fukked up a lot.

To be honest with you, it’s better to grind and put in the work in your 20’s and then to enjoy your 30’s. Your 20’s actually sets the foundation for the rest of your life. If you’re slow to build up momentum in your 20’s, it’s going to be hard to pick it up the older you get.

Your 20’s should be centered around acquiring education, skills (professional, technical, social), and experiences (traveling).

I wouldn’t necessarily be looking for “fun” in your 20’s, instead I would be looking for “value”.


The Coli Royal Rumble Champion 2019
Jan 4, 2015
Follow these steps:
  1. Stop making threads asking how to enjoy your 20s
  2. ????
  3. Profit
  • Dap
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