How to buy cars (new and used)

May 7, 2012
You don't have to make a ton of money to be a millionaire through. You can take an average income and invest and be frugal over a long period and retire a millionaire. Many people don't become millionaires till they get older.

Yea and that comes from earning more money, not saving. They're more experienced so they command a higher pay grade and/or they're wiser in their business deals.

People that save to become a millionaire are retirees, who are planning to rely on savings to supplement that wage check they're used to getting

There are also people who have high incomes and are broke constantly. Many NFL players that make multi-millions retire and within a few years are broke. Being rich is more about long term resource management than high income. Of course high income comes into play but extravagance beyond means no matter your income won't make you rich.

Um, ok..but I'm not sure why you think anyone was trying to argue that extravagance beyond your means would make you rich


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
not rich. but i got enough disposable income to buy a car outright from working and not having kids.

i guess i'll just get a car that's 2 years old "used" that shyts good enough for me.

the reason i wanna dump em every 4 years is cuz I feel like at 100K miles its all downhill from there.​
i don't know how your loot is but me personally if I'm driving a car I don't have the cash on hand to buy outright I'm basically fronting. I don't see renting a car cause when you rent something somebody else tells you what you can and can't do with it. I rent my apartment and I hate it but I haven't saved up enough to be satisfied to buy a house. I'd never wanna rent a car and have somebody else tell me how many miles I can put on it and what condition it has to be in.

even if you lease a nice car you're probably gonna want another car to put rough miles on and do whatever with.