They can't do it successfully. It always looks like a racist parody of what they think a black person is actually like.It's incredibly easy to spot a cac pretending to be black on the internet
Easiest Ways....
1. Grainy Avi of A Black Person In Profile Pic
2. Their vernacular is forced or played out....Such as using ebonic words not/rarely used anymore (ex. "Yo Dawg")
3. They deflect in topics pertaining to the wrong doings of Whites (Ex. "Why should we care what Whites do?" "Not everything is about race")
4. They throw hissy fits/derail threads about Black accomplishments (Start a thread about Egyptians being Black here and watch them expose themselves)
5. Throwing around phrases like "Hotep" and "Militant" loosely...
Dead giveaway...anytime they talk they use the words "we" and refer to black people as a monolith.
With that said it would be way too easy for me to masquerade as white on the internet.