How the Mind Rationalizes Homophobia

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
A better article would be how the mind rationalizes homosexuality. :scusthov:

But I probably wouldn't read that one either. :manny:

I think this highlights the deeper divide of politics in this country and probably on an even larger scale. There are people whose decisions are driven by data, critical thinking, and science. And then there are the other ones. I bet you can find VERY similar results if you looked at issues concerning gun legislation, transfer spending, climate change, and illegal immigration.

This debate has been going on for years and I have yet to hear one objective and information based objection to gay marriage and gay adoption. It all seems to be veiled in this weird republican logic that's so ridiculous it's almost impossible to debate.

Personally, and I don't know why more people don't view it like this (conservatives are notorious for lacking empathy), if I'm at the alter with a woman I plan to marry and somebody comes in with a book compiled 1600 years ago, written by guys 1800 years ago, about guys that lived 2000+ years ago and says "Yeah according to my reading of my religious book that you may or may not believe in and may or may not interpret the same way, this isn't gonna work for me." we're gonna have a very big problem.

Hmmm let's see... Data, critical thinking and science. How do human beings reproduce? Well according to SCIENCE, the male's sperm unites with the female's egg. How many homosexuals have ever naturally produced another human being? The DATA would say none. So THINKING CRITICALLY, one could draw the conclusion that based on the data homosexuality is not very scientific.

Now, who were these "other ones" you spoke of and what's their deal? :lupe:


All Star
Jul 18, 2012
A better article would be how the mind rationalizes homosexuality. :scusthov:

But I probably wouldn't read that one either. :manny:

Hmmm let's see... Data, critical thinking and science. How do human beings reproduce? Well according to SCIENCE, the male's sperm unites with the female's egg. How many homosexuals have ever naturally produced another human being? The DATA would say none. So THINKING CRITICALLY, one could draw the conclusion that based on the data homosexuality is not very scientific.

Now, who were these "other ones" you spoke of and what's their deal? :lupe:

I'm willing to bet that everyone here has had 'the talk' but thank you for explaining how babies are made.
Homosexuality occurs naturally in multiple species. I don't think it's a matter of it being 'scientific' or not; it's a matter of if it is harmful to children (the argument that conservatives repeatedly use).
Maybe I'm biased. I'm adopted. My folks tried to have kids and couldn't. Ya know, science said it didn't work. But I don't think you'd find many people calling for the restriction of middle class heterosexual married couples from adopting children.
If the data says that homosexual couples raise children as well as anyone else, what is the reason to deny them the opportunity? Lots of people adopt for lots of reasons, why single this group out?


Oct 19, 2013
Hmmm let's see... Data, critical thinking and science. How do human beings reproduce? Well according to SCIENCE, the male's sperm unites with the female's egg. How many homosexuals have ever naturally produced another human being? The DATA would say none. So THINKING CRITICALLY, one could draw the conclusion that based on the data homosexuality is not very scientific.

This is so stupid I can't even.

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
I'm willing to bet that everyone here has had 'the talk' but thank you for explaining how babies are made.
Homosexuality occurs naturally in multiple species. I don't think it's a matter of it being 'scientific' or not; it's a matter of if it is harmful to children (the argument that conservatives repeatedly use).
Maybe I'm biased. I'm adopted. My folks tried to have kids and couldn't. Ya know, science said it didn't work. But I don't think you'd find many people calling for the restriction of middle class heterosexual married couples from adopting children.
If the data says that homosexual couples raise children as well as anyone else, what is the reason to deny them the opportunity? Lots of people adopt for lots of reasons, why single this group out?

Homosexuality is sexual perversion. It's exceeding the limits. He'll no they shouldn't be able to adopt and teach that perverse lifestyle to future generations. If the whole world was gay the human species would be extinct in just 100 years.

If you're gay, fine. But as such, SCIENTIFICALLY, you've forfeited your right to children.

Homosexuality is a side effect to our perverse society. We teach out children sex too early and it fukks them up in the head. Is it no surprise our gay population is so much larger than everywhere else? Compare it to any country or any other species you claim it exists. The numbers are wildly disproportionate here. The country with the half naked women plastered everywhere you look and whose motto is "sex sells" produces the most sexual deviants. What a surprise.

I wish people would stop acting like this behavior is normal. Why isn't incest acceptable between 2 consensual adults? Why is beastiality looked at as sick? Why can't a man marry a pig? Where does the nonsense stop?

This is so stupid I can't even.

:heh: You "can't even"? You never do. I've never seen you post anything but corny one liners that bring nothing to any discussion. You're a clown.


All Star
Jul 18, 2012
Homosexuality is sexual perversion. It's exceeding the limits. He'll no they shouldn't be able to adopt and teach that perverse lifestyle to future generations. If the whole world was gay the human species would be extinct in just 100 years.

If you're gay, fine. But as such, SCIENTIFICALLY, you've forfeited your right to children.

Homosexuality is a side effect to our perverse society. We teach out children sex too early and it fukks them up in the head. Is it no surprise our gay population is so much larger than everywhere else? Compare it to any country or any other species you claim it exists. The numbers are wildly disproportionate here. The country with the half naked women plastered everywhere you look and whose motto is "sex sells" produces the most sexual deviants. What a surprise.

I wish people would stop acting like this behavior is normal. Why isn't incest acceptable between 2 consensual adults? Why is beastiality looked at as sick? Why can't a man marry a pig? Where does the nonsense stop?

:heh: You "can't even"? You never do. I've never seen you post anything but corny one liners that bring nothing to any discussion. You're a clown.

Ok I see where you're coming from. We're talking about two different things here.
I, for the most part, don't care what people do in their bedrooms. That's their business. Lots of straight couples do things I would consider perverted but that doesn't eliminate them from the pool of eligible adoptive parents.
You're using science as some sort of twisted authoritative gatekeeper. That's not what it is. I could say that having poor eyesight means one scientifically should be banned from driving but we have these things called eyeglasses that fix that. Likewise, one's sexuality doesn't imply they have the ability to raise children well or poorly, that's a completely separate issue. We allow single parents to raise children. Perhaps women with ovarian cancer or men who've lost their testicles to cancer should have their children taken away. The biology of the individuals has NOTHING to do with parenting ability.
Ya know they said the EXACT same thing about interracial marriage right? Once that happens, everyone will fly off the handle and start fukking goats and squirrels in front of school children.
Now I agree that the sex sells society has gotten out of hand but again, this doesn't have anything to do with the issue of whether or not gay couples make good parents.
To stick to the topic: is there any definitive research that being raised by gay couples is any better or worse than straight one?

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
Ok I see where you're coming from. We're talking about two different things here.
I, for the most part, don't care what people do in their bedrooms. That's their business. Lots of straight couples do things I would consider perverted but that doesn't eliminate them from the pool of eligible adoptive parents.
You're using science as some sort of twisted authoritative gatekeeper. That's not what it is. I could say that having poor eyesight means one scientifically should be banned from driving but we have these things called eyeglasses that fix that. Likewise, one's sexuality doesn't imply they have the ability to raise children well or poorly, that's a completely separate issue. We allow single parents to raise children. Perhaps women with ovarian cancer or men who've lost their testicles to cancer should have their children taken away. The biology of the individuals has NOTHING to do with parenting ability.
Ya know they said the EXACT same thing about interracial marriage right? Once that happens, everyone will fly off the handle and start fukking goats and squirrels in front of school children.
Now I agree that the sex sells society has gotten out of hand but again, this doesn't have anything to do with the issue of whether or not gay couples make good parents.
To stick to the topic: is there any definitive research that being raised by gay couples is any better or worse than straight one?

Interracial marriage? Are you kidding me? 2 different skin tones is not the same as 2 different body parts.

But it boils down to how you feel about homosexuality. I view it as sexual perversion, simple as that. And I think it sends the wrong message to children.

I think homosexuality is nurture, not nature. Babies aren't born with any sexual attractions so it has to be a learned behavior. This is why I brought up all the sex in our society because it is through that type of nurturing homosexuals become oriented that way. As such, I view it as a choice. It may be a subconscious choice derived from some unexplained or even forgotten childhood trauma. Who knows? But for a man to prefer another man over a woman, something has to be awry in his mind.

There was a guy in another thread who presented data that boys with older brothers with 33% more likely to be gay and he used that as a counter argument. I feel that only supports my claim as having an older brother means a boy is more likely to be exposed to sex by said brother than a person without one.

So there's 2 things here. 1) Gay people have forfeited their ability to have children by choosing that particular lifestyle and 2) They are sexual deviants and as such they shouldn't be considered ideal candidates anyway.

And I don't dislike homosexuals. In fact, I view them like trauma victims. I dislike homosexuality. You could say I hate the game, not necessarily the player.