Let's not forget it was Kramer who fukked them over, TWICE, in the end. I bet he ran the prison yard.
yo kramer had mad goons on payroll![]()
Actually, Kramer was probably was a goon for Bobby Sac.
who knows how many illegal operations bob sac had a hand in.
he was kramer's hookup on EVERYTHING. from replica russian hats, to second hand condoms, to bootleg wizard tip calculators.![]()
now that i think about it... kramer was the only one in town able to befriend the soup nazi.
who does this guy know?
How did martin put up with cole?
How do any of the sunny characters put up with each other?
How do any of the league characters put up with each other?
How did al put up with peg?
See a pattern here?
I always wondered why the Banks' put up with Geoffrey Butler. He would've been got the![]()
kramer was a hustler.
broke bread with morty seinfeld AND frank costanza. on multiple occasions.
had the streets on lock with the executive raincoat AND was about to take the male undergarment game by storm with the bro.
He had to pay dues to Bobby Sac, b.