Bret Hart debuted 10 years before I was born and I’m thirty.
Bret Hart debuted before the NES existed.
Bret Hart debuted the same year the original Halloween was released.
Bret Hart debuted before the goat released Off The Wall.
Bret Hart debuted before the Reagan Administration.
Bret Hart was born four after Brown v Board.
Bret Hart was old enough to have snuck in to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in theaters.
Bret Hart was close to a teenager when we first walked on the moon.
Bret Hart was 11 years old watching Adam West’s Batman.
Bret Hart saw the Beatles and other Brit Pop invade popular culture as a kid.
WWII had ended only 12 years before Bret was born.
Bret is older than Magic Johnson and old enough to be Kobe Bryant’s dad.
Bret old AF.
But so am I if this thread gets bumped in 3-4 years.