At the price point coach happens to be great value, especially their newer stuff. My very good friend from college is in charge of sourcing, selecting and purchasing the leather they use for their accessories. They buy from the same tanneries in Italy that the other more expensive designer use. And they go thru very rigorous and extensive testing before they decide on said leather. You can get a bag from coach for 350 and its probably made from the same leather/tannery that a 1500 fancier designer bag is made from. I don't personally have any beef w coach I just know my wife is too snobby for it
. They also do excellent service on their bags. So good that people bring their more expensive bags to them to try and receive the same servicing.
At the same time my wife's not completely full of shyt. When she talks about her Chanel bags lasting/being in the family forever she's right. they really are made that incredibly well from leather that is that good. She has a few that her mom gave her after owning them for years and they're in excellent condition.