Flay Mayweather
1. i stopped wearing contacts because my eyes have to many scars on my eyes from contacts.. but i guess i could wear them sometimes
2. i don't blame anyone else for my singleness
3. i don't mean to seem so cold i promise
4. "Learn to flirt, show some cleavage" << Hardest thing for me to do..... i don't think i have 1 shirt that shows cleavage... i need to go shopping...
I'll take any advice at this point..
Take heed to my words
1. Don't be scared to get a little slutty
2. You're only thirsty if you're caught dehydrated. *translation* Go after any guy you want and be discreet, no clues left behind.
3. Loosen up, your attire speaks a lot about yourself. Show that ass you're so proud of , wear some shorts that let the cheeks hang out.

4. Grease thy lips, if you want the....

5. Don't fall in love with the Yung GAWDs, they only need a mistress for a period of time. Length of the time depends on you.