How long until mobile gaming becomes a serious threat?


I have no strings on me.
May 6, 2012
Wasn't handheld gaming already bigger than console gaming in Japan? So games for "core gamers" moving to mobile isn't as farfetched as it would be in America right now.

The controls and price are the biggest factor. Handheld games you expect to be $19.99. people expect mobile games to stay within the 99c range. with the price being that low you make your money back in volume. but most mobile gamers are casual gamers.. heck my mother plays temple run and my father plays angry birds. also i would bet you have more female gamers on mobile than for console/pc. because these games are simple and they hook into facebook.

developing a triple-a for mobile is like a trap. On one hand you have a bigger market, but most of that market like simple/quick games. on the other you cant raise the price too much to make up for the never-was customer because they expect the game to be 99c.

have we not learned from the wii? lol.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Wasn't handheld gaming already bigger than console gaming in Japan? So games for "core gamers" moving to mobile isn't as farfetched as it would be in America right now.
part of it is development cost keep rising. back in the day a Japanese developer could release a game and sell 500,000 and be good but now developing that kinda title and selling that isn't worth the investment to them. especially in the face of just making a cheap mobile game that almost instantly produces profits.

out west the attitude is different at the moment. there's this whole swing for the fences AAA attitude and if its not that its an indie game. that middle ground of gaming that used to exist between that is vanishing rapidly. they can't do a modestly budgeted game that doesn't push the hardware and sells modestly but is a financial success. of course the EAs and Activisions and Ubisofts are always looking for that next big thing and they'll back a new IP but a studio may just get one show and if they game doesn't do crazy numbers they're shutting their doors.

western developers are mainly hovering around a limited selection of genres now. mostly first and third person shooters. every year there's gotta be a AAA shooter that comes out around Christmas. be it Halo or Killzone or Call of Duty or Battlefield. its been a few console cycles of this. at some point their bread and butter shooters are bound to collapse and then what?

it wasn't that long ago that Tomb Raider came out and sold like 3.5 million in the first month and Square Enix was crying that it was disappointed in the sales.