Black Adam said:Depends on what I'm doing.
PPL: 2hrs, 15mins - 2hrs, 45mins.
Who Was CNS: 1hr, 30mins - 2hrs, 0mins.
SL 5x5: 1hr, 30mins. ICF pushes 2 hrs.
PHAT: 1hr, 45mins. - 2hrs, 30mins.
Arnold Split: 2hrs (Delts/Arms) -2hrs,45mins (Chest/Back)
Rest times are usually 1.5-2mins on compound lifts, higher if maxing out. PHAT and PPL usually have about 40 working sets
Most accessories are supersetted, especially if pressed for time. Only rush if late to the gym and lifting before work.
60min for upper/lower programs
45mins for PPL programs
Stronglifts/Starting Strength always ended up 75-90mins when weights got heavy, at which point I'd switch to U/L or PPL.
Warmups included.
You're either super/giant-setting same muscle groups, only doing like 3 or 4 lifts, or taking short-ass breaks. Either way
5 movements.
Rest-pause variant for high rep sets.
Basically an uncompressed version of my U/L routine.