SOT: How much does walking help your "cardio" when it's time to run or jog?
To increase your aerobic level you need to spend more times in the lower zones. And what happens is your body acclimates, learns to do more while utilizing less of your bodies energy.
I'm actually involved in a training program specially for running. I have to do long cardio runs for like 2hr 20mins in a HR zone of like 130bpm.
I used to say it sucked. Because I can run fast and hard, and I enjoy running faster. But now that my aerobic zone is well conditioned my cruise speed is pretty fast. I can jog like 9 minute miles for 10 miles straight and not gas myself out.
There's definitely a method to the madness. But then again I actually sign up and compete in local races. 5k's and 10ks
You don't get better by running hard or running fast. 80% of your runs need to be low and slow. And although you find comfort in it and can go long at such an easy pace. You'll want to stop at 15 miles. Even when training for a marathon you don't run a full marathon. Just a little over half.