How is Malcolm X's killer on the streets untouched?


Jun 21, 2015

Jan 19, 2017
I mean...when was the last time you heard a Honkey get pressed living in a hood where brothas get pressed daily in this new gentrification world? :ohhh:

Dion Isus

Sep 8, 2013

lets talk facts. And actual words from those who were there on boths sides.

Malcolms Guards attacked noi members first. Over and over. And they had guns. They did get their ass beat but ONLY after attacking first.... It got so bad that Malcolm ordered his men to STOP attaCKING the MUSLIMS. Elijah Muhammad never had to give an order to stop attacking because he only gave the order to defend.

Malcolm (and his associates) attacked and felt a way because Malcolm could barely fill a room with a crowd after leaving the noi- they felt the noi hated. Also, Elijah Muhammad ordered him OUT of the house, his family home that was given to him by the NOI.

They had a Rude awakening.... The Community was with Malcolm as long as he was with the Muslims

All the BS Fake Malcolm love that happened after the movie came out n all you all second hand notes is fake- the Black community barely showed Malcolm love until LONG after he was dead. THE Muslims Made him and Gave him his platform.

You're not the first person who I have heard who has stated this. Can you please elaborate?


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
You're not the first person who I have heard who has stated this. Can you please elaborate?
The majority of the black community while Malcolm was alive didnt support him, they like a couple of his speeches.... But his main support came from communist, black muslims, a few radicals....People who Elijah Muhammad sent him to meet with
These days everyone loves him after the movie came out and decades after the white media has Rebranded him as a hard core MLK-love everybody style confused while he was noi brother.

Also, when he was suspended from the noi, he asked a few times to get back in and was denied. He got emotional and ran to the white media- because he knew that would have the most impact. He thought he was the man. He had a rude awakening because his events barely attracted audiences post NOi. When he realized he couldnt have the same Mega Star impact he had while he was w the noi... He did what Rappers do today, they attack the older or bigger name. He tried to broaden his audience by claiming (lied) to Discover white Muslims and love white people suddenly (he previously taught on white muslims and been around the world to see them) . He acted like he didnt already have knowledge of Elijah Muhammad's wives.
Also he Trained the foi so he knew they carried no weapons, thought his new group ( who carried guns) could intimidat them. But after a few died he realized... Him and the other ministers must have trained the foi well and He called his goons off in nyc


Jun 26, 2015
brothers= malcolm didn't have to come back to nyc. african leaders offered him a job and a place to stay, they told him to tell betty to grab the kids and start moving to the mother land. he rejected it.


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
brothers= malcolm didn't have to come back to nyc. african leaders offered him a job and a place to stay, they told him to tell betty to grab the kids and start moving to the mother land. he rejected it.
Yeah but every time he travelled his stuff was tapped, he was in unfamiliar lands.... With allies that rocked w him for convenience only.... And all his real mans in afrika got popped within weeks of him.


Hallowed Be Thy Game
Jan 9, 2014
Nobody denies that Malcolms new group attacked the noi members in ny first for months. And Malcolm gave an actual order for them to stop. Thats not a debate.
The debate is if the Gov killed malcolm or not (which we know now it was the gov)

Which nobody denies that Malcolm's group attacked NOI members why would they, you nikkas is liars. Thats why you conscious nikkas to me is a joke.You have proof to back this up?Why in the fukk would Malcolm X attack NOI that would be stupid of him.

Do you homework nikka, someone already mentioned that Malcolm's bodyguards was attacked, first you saying that it was dissidents out of the group now you saying Malcolm X and his camp attacked the NOI, fukk out of here.

malcolm said a lot of things under duress. you take what people say as truth when they are under a lot of pressure. you need to call your self a rookie because your not even looking at the context of when he said it. you have understand history in order to broach this subject junior.

I laugh ,cause its already known you NOI nikkas letting white people in your organization, so you always changing up what you say.

Fact is Elijah Muhhamad called himself a prophet in Islam thats blasphemy ,)the last prophet was Muhmmad Ibn Abdullah pbuh), Elijah Muhhmad and the NOI have never sat down with real muslim leaders which is why many muslims look at the NOI as some crazy twisted shyt.

The majority of the black community while Malcolm was alive didnt support him, they like a couple of his speeches.... But his main support came from communist, black muslims, a few radicals....People who Elijah Muhammad sent him to meet with
These days everyone loves him after the movie came out and decades after the white media has Rebranded him as a hard core MLK-love everybody style confused while he was noi brother.

Also, when he was suspended from the noi, he asked a few times to get back in and was denied. He got emotional and ran to the white media- because he knew that would have the most impact. He thought he was the man. He had a rude awakening because his events barely attracted audiences post NOi. When he realized he couldnt have the same Mega Star impact he had while he was w the noi... He did what Rappers do today, they attack the older or bigger name. He tried to broaden his audience by claiming (lied) to Discover white Muslims and love white people suddenly (he previously taught on white muslims and been around the world to see them) . He acted like he didnt already have knowledge of Elijah Muhammad's wives.
Also he Trained the foi so he knew they carried no weapons, thought his new group ( who carried guns) could intimidat them. But after a few died he realized... Him and the other ministers must have trained the foi well and He called his goons off in nyc

Bro of course Malcolm X knew about Elijah's wives , they weren't the young teens Elijah had a baby by and Malcolm X never came out against them.
Malcolm is a major reason the NOI became the way it was , do you know how much NOI Temples he founded? Malcolm never claimed he loved white people he just found out Islam never taught that they was Devils, if you want to believe whites are devils than thats their own opinion but don't talk about its Islam. Also Malcolm X found out the Islam what Elijah Muhhamad was preaching isn't the authentic Islam.When Malcolm X left the NOI and died later they lost a major following.

Look do your research nikka, I don't know why fake conscious nikkas like you think the NOI is hot shyt they ain't gonna ride on white supremacists,they are one of the most powerful black organizations out here but they ain't doing shyt on the racists whiteboys.
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Jun 26, 2015
Which nobody denies that Malcolm's group attacked NOI members why would they, you nikkas is liars. Thats why you conscious nikkas to me is a joke.You have proof to back this up?Why in the fukk would Malcolm X attack NOI that would be stupid of him.

Do you homework nikka, someone already mentioned that Malcolm's bodyguards was attacked, first you saying that it was dissidents out of the group now you saying Malcolm X and his camp attacked the NOI, fukk out of here.

I laugh ,cause its already known you NOI nikkas letting white people in your organization, so you always changing up what you say.

Fact is Elijah Muhhamad called himself a prophet in Islam thats blasphemy ,)the last prophet was Muhmmad Ibn Abdullah pbuh), Elijah Muhhmad and the NOI have never sat down with real muslim leaders which is why many muslims look at the NOI as some crazy twisted shyt.

Bro of course Malcolm X knew about Elijah's wives , they weren't the young teens Elijah had a baby by and Malcolm X never came out against them.
Malcolm is a major reason the NOI became the way it was , do you know how much NOI Temples he founded? Malcolm never claimed he loved white people he just found out Islam never taught that they was Devils, if you want to believe whites are devils than thats their own opinion but don't talk about its Islam. Also Malcolm X found out the Islam what Elijah Muhhamad was preaching isn't the authentic Islam.When Malcolm X left the NOI and died later they lost a major following.

Look do your research nikka, I don't know why fake conscious nikkas like you think the NOI is hot shyt they ain't gonna ride on white supremacists,they are one of the most powerful black organizations out here but they ain't doing shyt on the racists whiteboys.
you can't even control yourself, call me nikka and getting emotional because your being call out on what your talking about? who were the men that malcolm was with? where did the altercation take place in ny? who were these noi men that you are talking about? how do you or malcolm know that thay were members?


Jun 26, 2015
Yeah but every time he travelled his stuff was tapped, he was in unfamiliar lands.... With allies that rocked w him for convenience only.... And all his real mans in afrika got popped within weeks of him.
what convenience? malcom was preaching a version of islam that didnt sit well with members of the islamic nation, he's lucky he made back to state alive.


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
what convenience? malcom was preaching a version of islam that didnt sit well with members of the islamic nation, he's lucky he made back to state alive.
Yeah, while with the noi.

Afterwards Afrikan leaders, white commies and random people were feeling his new stance. And they wanted to build with him to use his statues
Which nobody denies that Malcolm's group attacked NOI members why would they, you nikkas is liars. Thats why you conscious nikkas to me is a joke.You have proof to back this up?Why in the fukk would Malcolm X attack NOI that would be stupid of him.

Do you homework nikka, someone already mentioned that Malcolm's bodyguards was attacked, first you saying that it was dissidents out of the group now you saying Malcolm X and his camp attacked the NOI, fukk out of here.

I laugh ,cause its already known you NOI nikkas letting white people in your organization, so you always changing up what you say.

Fact is Elijah Muhhamad called himself a prophet in Islam thats blasphemy ,)the last prophet was Muhmmad Ibn Abdullah pbuh), Elijah Muhhmad and the NOI have never sat down with real muslim leaders which is why many muslims look at the NOI as some crazy twisted shyt.

Bro of course Malcolm X knew about Elijah's wives , they weren't the young teens Elijah had a baby by and Malcolm X never came out against them.
Malcolm is a major reason the NOI became the way it was , do you know how much NOI Temples he founded? Malcolm never claimed he loved white people he just found out Islam never taught that they was Devils, if you want to believe whites are devils than thats their own opinion but don't talk about its Islam. Also Malcolm X found out the Islam what Elijah Muhhamad was preaching isn't the authentic Islam.When Malcolm X left the NOI and died later they lost a major following.

Look do your research nikka, I don't know why fake conscious nikkas like you think the NOI is hot shyt they ain't gonna ride on white supremacists,they are one of the most powerful black organizations out here but they ain't doing shyt on the racists whiteboys.
Everyone knows who was actually around that malcolms associates attacked noi members. And that no noi member was ever the aggressor.
The only incident that People were claiming the noi attacked first was the fire bombing of malcolms house- but later MALCOLM told his friends and family that he didnt think the noi did it. THEN said they wouldnt have while his wife was there,

And the fact that you keep saying "conscious nikkas like you" and all that lets me know where you're mind is at. You're a corny liberal new black or something... Or white boy who wants to Paint Bro Malcolm in ur image. I get it. Fyi, I'm not a conscious person- or a part of that community in the sense you're talking about. Try again.

Also. Malcolm never changed his views about the nature of whites. He seemed more open when he went to the white media- but 100% friends and family and him were still White man is the Devil... Why do you think he Kept Shabazz as name? And you're crying about real Islam and white people (further proof of your agenda!) .... The noi teaches Real Islam- just because its not fake hadith lying arab racist selling pork beer at the liqueur store and raping black woman Islam- doesn't mean it isn't real. The noi teaches civilization and respect...peace freedom justice and equality. Go educate yourself. And the NOI didnt force whites to Act Devilish alll over the Earth... Rape people alll over the planet, eliminate entire cultures and be devils sense the left the caves- their nature did that and their actions Prove the noi philosophy


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
And FYI, 100% of the women Elijah Muhammad was involved with stated they were married and stated he was respectful and moral the whole time.. They all maintained that until their deaths...... They didnt have anything wrong to say about him. I wanted to mention that since c00ns and cacs here want to throw dirt on him , chatty patty on his personal life.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Gives you insight into what that fbi document really is about...

There's growing fear that black people are finally to the point where we're going to become organized.

Once we organize the next step would be repercussions for transgressors.

Right now we don't have a unified ideology, is why the killer can walk free. Is why Zimmerman has little fear.

The cac think tanks see this coming though and they want to nip the bud now.

For instance my stance was when we form our nation, part of our taxes to the nation would go towards a pot of money set aside. That money would be for high profile instances of injustice and the Darren Wilson's and Zimmermans.

I'm getting old, but there's a young bul out there who's thinking similar and will pick up.

We're going to have a Nation more powerful than the NOI one day, and that nation will put the fear of death in transgressors.

The above is what BIE is all about...

I hope you right.


Jun 26, 2015
when malcolm went to mecca the second time, a lot on brothers and sisters in the black freedom movement was not feeling that move because they felt he should be here in the state helping them fight the white man. kwame ture, elridge cleaver caught the same problem when they left the us
Apr 3, 2014

lets talk facts. And actual words from those who were there on boths sides.

Malcolms Guards attacked noi members first. Over and over. And they had guns. They did get their ass beat but ONLY after attacking first.... It got so bad that Malcolm ordered his men to STOP attaCKING the MUSLIMS. Elijah Muhammad never had to give an order to stop attacking because he only gave the order to defend.

Malcolm (and his associates) attacked and felt a way because Malcolm could barely fill a room with a crowd after leaving the noi- they felt the noi hated. Also, Elijah Muhammad ordered him OUT of the house, his family home that was given to him by the NOI.

They had a Rude awakening.... The Community was with Malcolm as long as he was with the Muslims

All the BS Fake Malcolm love that happened after the movie came out n all you all second hand notes is fake- the Black community barely showed Malcolm love until LONG after he was dead. THE Muslims Made him and Gave him his platform.

Facts. I saw a historical newspaper article from the '64 that actually said this.

I'll try to find it again and upload it

When I first read it, I was :ohhh: