its common knowledge to anyone trying to do anything.
was it Thomas Jefferson that said he failed his way to success?
was it Thomas Jefferson that said he failed his way to success?
yeah becuz failing is the best way to learn. it's how we learn how to walk, ride bikes, drive, etc.
but some people should just give up tho.
You dont want to be like this guy
funny how everyone wants to mention Steve Jobs, Gates, and all the successes but nobody talks about the people who failed and kept trying only to keep failing.
Dude didn't fail, it just took a little longer than usual.
Dude didn't fail, it just took a little longer than usual.
please don't turn this thread into that, BUT you do have a point...
good responses y'all. And to emphasize, I wasn't just talking about failing something business-wise, I was talking in terms of all aspects of everyday life. for instance, You go to apply for a job, but you're told you're not qualified,; instead of crying and lagging around, you go and continue to build yourself until you become qualified...