The Infamous
pirate since 2000, BEEN using torrents, only private trackers, no issues.
Private trackers > everything else
pirate since 2000, BEEN using torrents, only private trackers, no issues.
ive read things like this are actually useless and your ISP can still see what you are doing.
anyway, torrents are the major thing that can get you caught up. for brand new rips just use other methods. blockbuster movies and popular shows like game of thrones are the type of thing that gets monitored. for shows ill just download them off blogs that link to bitshare or other hosting site. they usually get it before torrents anyway. for new movies i still use IRC.
I feel like alot of you don't understand the scope of peerblock. When used correctly it prevents anything at all from connecting to your computer. Your ISP included. Now, if you don't let your IP through you can't go online... but you still have the option to block them, and you can at the very least see when they are tryna connect to you.
Your ISP isn't magic... if it wants to see what you are doing it has to send a query same as any other connection. The only difference being it doesn't need any clearance to do so because it can grant that access itself. same as if your phone company wanted to call you they could do it for free, but you still have to pick up the phone. Peerblock lets you know who/what is tryna connect to your computer that way you have the option to be like 'nah nikka' so in a way its like screening your calls. Why the fukk is touchstone or Interscope tryna connect to your pc? Take a guess. So, just like a bill collector you start ignoring or blocking their connections. Even if they are frustrated or irritated and assume you are doing something that they disprove of all they have is speculation. They send notices and threats to people they can prove did something, not people they suspect are doing something but they have no paper trail on. But, because this post is to promote privacy not criminality I wouldn't know anything about that.
This isn't a torrent site, its a news hub on new age tech.
Treat yourselves.
No, they know your IP. But your IP is literally just your computer's address. Everyone on your block knows your house's address. They know you live there. They see you going in and out and can deduct you are doing something inside, but to find out what they have to either knock on the door or kick it down. They can't kick it down with no evidence so they send informants or agents or whoever to try and get proof of what you are doing, thats why they try and connect to your computer its the tech equavalant of how the cops go undercover to get you to sell them drugs. They need to be able to show that you had goods that you tried to unload to them so they try and connect to you like anybody else in that mass of people sharing the torrent. Because if they can, they can say "See? He was illegally distributing this movie or file or whatever"i installed it and am dlin torrents now.. does it prevent them from getting my isp?
I use Megashare .ca or putlocker.Whats a good stream,since noobroom down, been using movie4k... anything else for streams decent interfaced.
Wow i cant believe they came backbeen using movie4k