so when it comes down to actual useful stuff you have to turn to the iPad?
isn't that an example of something the ipad can do that the Nexus cant?

I mean yes and no, the iPad market share is 70%. That means the majority of our tablet traffic comes from iPads, which results in me having to dedicate more time in making the iPad version extra crispy.
I think I'm going to get this keyboard/case for the nexus [the irony of it being pictured with the ipad]:

Once I get that I will keep both of them up and running at my desk during work hours, I'll get a chance to really evaluate both and which one is more practical in my everyday use.
But it's a give or take either way, i'll probably end up using both at the same damn time. iPad will probably be used for surfing the web with the 4:3 resolution, while i'll probably keep a movie/show playing on the nexus 16:10 screen, or rock out to the Google Music App