How do you feel about IIFYM


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
Costa Rica
So the more I read about nutrition the more confused I am. :mindblown:
I finally have gotten to the point where I am keeping track of everything I eat and making sure I hit my protein macro but the more I read the less sense it al l makes. I understand the basics of IIFYM but I dont agree with all the points. I think it is a good thing because you can maintain your "diet" long term and make sure you get the essential nutrients you need in whatever food form you have. But I disagree with a carb is a carb and a calorie is a calorie. In the most basic form I agree with it but eating "clean" and healthy is going to have other effects on your body outside of composition that will make your overall health, wellbeing, and nutrition better off. Mainly just feeling more energetic and cutting cravings is reason enough to eat healthy but I feel like for every study you read why eating complex carbs and greens is important you can find equal ones stating why this shyt dont matter. Just wondering what the coli brehs think :salute:

Also is just me or do these coli servers seem to be on :hamster: status lately


Do what you love
Apr 30, 2012
For me, it's not worth the effort in cataloging everything like that.

I'm losing weight and getting more cut just by changing my diet overall. I've started prepping food and eating in for almost every meal. Just staples like chicken, lean beef, fish + veggies (asparagus, green beans, sweet potatoes, etc) for dinner/lunches. Breakfast is either toast+PB & fruit or oatmeal/protein powder/fruit or yogurt/protein/fruit.

It works for me and I don't bog myself down with over-concern about hitting specific targets in anything.

I'm not hating on those who do this, I have incredible respect for that dedication. I'm just saying that you can get great results WITHOUT it.


Randy Orton=Legend Killer
Apr 30, 2012
bx all day
So the more I read about nutrition the more confused I am. :mindblown:
I finally have gotten to the point where I am keeping track of everything I eat and making sure I hit my protein macro but the more I read the less sense it al l makes. I understand the basics of IIFYM but I dont agree with all the points. I think it is a good thing because you can maintain your "diet" long term and make sure you get the essential nutrients you need in whatever food form you have. But I disagree with a carb is a carb and a calorie is a calorie. In the most basic form I agree with it but eating "clean" and healthy is going to have other effects on your body outside of composition that will make your overall health, wellbeing, and nutrition better off. Mainly just feeling more energetic and cutting cravings is reason enough to eat healthy but I feel like for every study you read why eating complex carbs and greens is important you can find equal ones stating why this shyt dont matter. Just wondering what the coli brehs think :salute:

Also is just me or do these coli servers seem to be on :hamster: status lately

service will be slow because of the nba playoffs

reason why the-coli started last yr( anniversary is this week) because sohh servers sucked ass and no one bothered to fix it


Apr 30, 2012
shyt is a godsend :blessed:

went from 180 to 150 from august 1-december 1 just hitting my daily numbers. was on 1700 calorie limit and about 130-140g of protein a day, ate mcdonalds everyday (im an addict :() and still lost 1-3lbs a week. shyt is pretty simple and easy to track and its changed the way i look at food and dieting. before i started this i always thought i had to eat clean and there was no room for sweets or fast food, but this showed me the light (no stannis baratheon)

now dont confuse iifym as being a healthy diet, unless you want it to be so. thats the beauty of it imo, it can be whatever you want it to be. its strictly a numbers game, simple math, cutting/adding 300-500 calories a day and hitting your protein requirement.


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
Costa Rica
shyt is a godsend :blessed:

went from 180 to 150 from august 1-december 1 just hitting my daily numbers. was on 1700 calorie limit and about 130-140g of protein a day, ate mcdonalds everyday (im an addict :() and still lost 1-3lbs a week. shyt is pretty simple and easy to track and its changed the way i look at food and dieting. before i started this i always thought i had to eat clean and there was no room for sweets or fast food, but this showed me the light (no stannis baratheon)

now dont confuse iifym as being a healthy diet, unless you want it to be so. thats the beauty of it imo, it can be whatever you want it to be. its strictly a numbers game, simple math, cutting/adding 300-500 calories a day and hitting your protein requirement.

You were on a daily 1700 calorie limit? :wtf:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
You were on a daily 1700 calorie limit? :wtf:
He is only 150lbs, that sounds about right.

I kind of agree that IIFYM is a little too optimistic... I mean CT Fletcher got big and lean but needed open heart surgery

But if you are REALLY getting everything you need, including fiber and all your vitamins and minerals, some extra calories will be fine. Especially if you put a cap on shyt like fat, sugar, sodium and cholesterol. So IIFYM really is what you want it to be... your macro/micro goals don't have to be the same as someone else. I like treats but I am not trying to have a heart attack/stroke


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
Costa Rica
He is only 150lbs, that sounds about right.

I kind of agree that IIFYM is a little too optimistic... I mean CT Fletcher got big and lean but needed open heart surgery

But if you are REALLY getting everything you need, including fiber and all your vitamins and minerals, some extra calories will be fine. Especially if you put a cap on shyt like fat, sugar, sodium and cholesterol. So IIFYM really is what you want it to be... your macro/micro goals don't have to be the same as someone else. I like treats but I am not trying to have a heart attack/stroke

I don't think you really understand IIFYM


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
So the more I read about nutrition the more confused I am. :mindblown:
I finally have gotten to the point where I am keeping track of everything I eat and making sure I hit my protein macro but the more I read the less sense it al l makes. I understand the basics of IIFYM but I dont agree with all the points. I think it is a good thing because you can maintain your "diet" long term and make sure you get the essential nutrients you need in whatever food form you have. But I disagree with a carb is a carb and a calorie is a calorie. In the most basic form I agree with it but eating "clean" and healthy is going to have other effects on your body outside of composition that will make your overall health, wellbeing, and nutrition better off. Mainly just feeling more energetic and cutting cravings is reason enough to eat healthy but I feel like for every study you read why eating complex carbs and greens is important you can find equal ones stating why this shyt dont matter. Just wondering what the coli brehs think :salute:

Also is just me or do these coli servers seem to be on :hamster: status lately
consider simple thermodynamics, a system needs energy to run. If supplied less energy, it has to take it from somewhere if its self sufficient(which we are) if supplied with excess energy it will store it or excrete it(in our case we will attempt to store it)

if you are in deficit, the body will attempt to use whatever chemical energy you give it(in the form of food) to function

that includes energy to simply move around etc + energy to keep organs and muscles functioning(repair, synthesis of essential hormones/chemicals etc)

its when in surplus you should start really considering what you take in, not all food is metabolized the same and furthermore your activity dictates how things may or may not be stored

IE you could ingest pure caffeine which is roughly the same size as a glucose molecule, but it would never be stored. And its because your body doesnt have the enzymes to metabolize it that way

but in terms of the food we eat, at the smallest level most carbs are pretty similar. Just some will take longer to metabolize than others

which results in a varying mental effect. This is true for both fats and proteins. Which are not all one generic molecule either(IE fish oil(DHA) vs oleic acid(olive oil))

the idea that some food is "good" and some food is bad is a blurry subject

cause you have basically the same life expectancy now that you did fifty years ago, and theres clearly more obesity now than ever before

has our food gotten better or worse? Ive seen what theyve eaten back in the day and it aint great. In fact it was alot worse. However it wasnt as abundant either. Even for the affluent

the difference is all portions. Sugar water, higher salt intake(via preservatives), larger portions, and access to more food overall is imo the reason for what we have now. But the food itself hasnt changed.

There are hobos that eat garbage that are in their 70s...what gives? :ld:


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Theres a theory that low body weight and low protein are keys to long life. Less protein = less of a catalyst for cell replacement, and I think fast cell replacement is bad for long life as the DNA gets more and more fukked up with each copy.

i agree with the low weight, but i dont with low protein. high protein and fat was the catalyst to developing the brains we have.

thats why the content of breastmilk is extremely fatty/protein dense in humans as opposed to other animals.

its also why i believe people who werent breastfed are 9 times more likely(i made this up) to be autistic(yet i might be right :wot: )

Rusty Kuntz

It be ya own peoples, huh?
Nov 13, 2012
Myself. fukk 12(1)!
I'm too lazy to count calories; if I eat something that's kinda crappy, I just go a little harder in the gym.

Then again, I don't really have goals or anything I'm trying to achieve.