Start your own label. Create an LLC and a DBA and copyright and trademark as much as you can. Make good music.
You don't have to whore yourself out to the industry.
Get involved with the live scene if there is one in your community.
Do open mics, concerts, work on your ability to move a crowd and work with other people.
You have to decide if you want to get into business. If you don't want to deal with the ins and outs and ups and downs...just keep music as a hobby.
There is always competition and people that steal your shyt. There are also much more talented people than you that haven't figured out how to get noticed.
If you want to be an artist. You have to treat yourself like a be marketed and consumed. Know how much money you want to make, and know when you have enough of it to buy all of the equipment that you need.
Once you've reached a level of success where don't care about what people think about your's time to stop.