I was actually a HUGE Redskins fan since I was 6....my first Super Bowl my dad let me watch some of it and John Riggins broke that 4th and 1 for a TD and Red was my favorite color at the time, so, it was a natural fit.
My dad was from Penn, so he was a Steelers/Pirates fan, didn't root for the local New England teams, so I wasn't being pushed by him to be a fan of the Pats.
By 4th grade though, it became conflicting, when they made that run to the Super Bowl and got hammered by the Bears. All my friends were on me about the Redskins, etc.
I slowly transitioned over, but even through the early 90's I followed them both. Still had my Redskins Starter Jacket back in 1992.
By the mid 90's I made the full switch, because I was a big Red Sox and Celtics fan already.
Still always keep and eye on the Redskins though.