how could you be against socialism/communism as a black person


Sep 14, 2012
Communism means everyone is treated equal and there are no social classss which means that the state would be forced to treat everyone regardless of race and gender equally.yes the state oppressed us but that was due to capitalism/slavery. The state was also helped to liberate us as well. Private corporations did nothing to help free the slaves it was the ferderal government
The simple definition of communism is a stateless, moneyless, classless society. In that sense, could one argue that there has never been a communist society at least in the modern world.

Tom Foolery

You're using way too many napkins.
May 1, 2012
Boardwalk and Park Place
Can someone explain to me how socialism/communism is anti-black? Reparations is literally wealth distribution from the oppressors to the oppressed. The federal government is the largest employers of ADOS in this country and is the backbone of the black middle class. I don’t understand why people would be against it if they are black. Black leaders like malcolm z and mlk were communists. Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere etc.
I didn't read your question.

To answer, In communism the government own "your" property. So technically reparations wouldn't be given to you and you would have not say on how to use it.

Socialism can be damn near anything these days.


May 1, 2012
Humans are selfish. Humans are greedy. Humans will always crave power and control. The elite will always try to gain leverage over the rest of society who will become the underclass, with some carving out a middle class lifestyle if they’re lucky. Under monarchies, you had Kings with absolute power. The ambitious self serving people became lords, dukes, knights, merchants, priests (sorry, the corrupt ones only), etc. Anything to be higher than the broke ass feudal laborers working the land. Under capitalism, you have the wealthy global elite who replaced the kings and powerful nobles, and then you have politicians, police, academics, lawyers, bankers, engineers, doctors, rich professionals, upper middle class, middle class workers replacing those groups from above who are still essentially working for the people running society like those groups above who did whatever to curry favor from kings. Under communism, what you think gonna happen? Government gonna attract everyone who’s after power and control just like you see in China. With the CCP having their hands in everything. The only difference is unlike in Capitalism where you have a 10% chance to make something of your life if you work hard enough and luck is on your side, you have a 1% chance to change anything in a system where your life is completely predetermined. You think you gonna be having no rent, all your expenses met and big booty girls assigned to your lame ass. Nah breh, you gonna be doing some wack ass job like digging ditches for 50 years just like them muthafukkas in Xinjiang still living like it’s the 1700s or some sh*t. If you don’t like your cac managers now, you gonna hate when they’re the ones determining your food rations and your housing options :mjgrin:Motherfukkas hate politicians but want a system where “politicians” would have complete power. Make it make sense breugh. In BOTH communism and capitalism, trust and believe, there will be a massive underclass and a tiny class in control. But in only one do you have a fighting chance.
Commie cult members just have dreams of waking up at 11 pm playing video games all day while they ration out their monthly allowance from Zaddy. Pathetic lifestyle.
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Apr 14, 2015
Humans are selfish. Humans are greedy. Humans will always crave power and control. The elite will always try to gain leverage over the rest of society who will become the underclass, with some carving out a middle class lifestyle if they’re lucky. Under monarchies, you had Kings with absolute power. The ambitious self serving people became lords, dukes, knights, merchants, priests (sorry, the corrupt ones only), etc. Anything to be higher than the broke ass feudal laborers working the land. Under capitalism, you have the wealthy global elite who replaced the kings and powerful nobles, and then you have politicians, police, academics, lawyers, bankers, engineers, doctors, rich professionals, upper middle class, middle class workers replacing those groups from above who are still essentially working for the people running society like those groups above who did whatever to curry favor from kings. Under communism, what you think gonna happen? Government gonna attract everyone who’s after power and control just like you see in China. With the CCP having their hands in everything. The only difference is unlike in Capitalism where you have a 10% chance to make something of your life if you work hard enough and luck is on your side, you have a 1% chance to change anything in a system where your life is completely predetermined. You think you gonna be having no rent, all your expenses met and big booty girls assigned to your lame ass. Nah breh, you gonna be doing some wack ass job like digging ditches for 50 years just like them muthafukkas in Xinjiang still living like it’s the 1700s or some sh*t. If you don’t like your cac managers now, you gonna hate when they’re the ones determining your food rations and your housing options :mjgrin:Motherfukkas hate politicians but want a system where “politicians” would have complete power. Make it make sense breugh. In BOTH communism and capitalism, trust and believe, there will be a massive underclass and a tiny class in control. But in only one do you have a fighting chance.
Capitalism babble what fighting chance as black person do you get in capitalism. Black people are the capital in capitalism. Literally and Figuratively


Nov 18, 2016
Its the people's job who believe in socialism/communism to user that shyt in..