how could the crack epidemic have been prevented back in the day?

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
Jersey....South Philly...PA in general honestly...Florida...Ohio
I live outside of Atlantic city....heroin has gotten bad.

I left here in 09,cameback in 2012 and alot of people I grew up with got hooked on pills,then eventually started fukking with heroin.

Alot of white kids who come from "good homes" are the ones hooked on the stuff. Seems like every other day you read about someone getting busted with 90 bags of smack in one of the several seedy motels.
Feb 3, 2015
It's all a result of the economic recession of the 70's. First, Bolivian tin n cotton collapsed so the US gov't "promoted" coca as a way to prevent communism. Yep, that's right, the Black community was decimated to keep communism from overtaking South America.

That is the key to understanding American imperialism. That is the watermark of the so-called New Order of the Ages. In the past, we used vice and the black market to prevent a country from going commie, or to prop up a new right regime. Think of how Russia's black market economy flourished once the USSR collapsed. What America does is buy these products in bulk first then flood the market in certain key demographic areas (LA, NYC, CHI, DET, ATL, MIA etc) to create a huge demand nationwide.

Then the CIA recruits goons (usually apart of the aristocracy or military) in the source countries to recruit patsies to export and import the products, and at first, distribution is gov't sponsored. If the operation succeeds (it always succeeds) those initial distributors move up to become importers and exporters (unless they are able to finagle a new position within the covert agency's ops).

Former Nazis/CIA agents trained Suarez to ramp up coca paste production to ship to the Ochoa aristocracy who partnered with Escobar to supply refined n processed cocaine to the United States thru myriad other patsies who then brought the cocaine to the street lvl. La musica del Harry Fraud.

Crack cocaine was a variation on freebase, which was exploding in South America and was popular amongst a lot of the millionaire patsy importers and exporters. Crack cocaine was just a way to keep the Colombians involved. Suarez could have easily supplied Bolivian and Peruvian coca paste directly to the United States but the cocaine market was feeding too many countries along the smuggling routes to the US. The Colombians had to be kept in the circle, and their worth was predetermined by old smuggling routes and smuggling partnerships already formed since the Spanish Conquistadors.

The film Scarface was a bullshyt fantasy because it involved Stateside importers and distributors dealing with the Bolivians directly over the Colombians' heads. Colombians have killed Bolivian coca producers over this, and it in fact is a total CIA operation. It's meant to flush out bad blood in the cartels and keep the Colombians abreast of people who may threaten their interests, which is a threat to American interests. Think of how we go to war when oil producing nations decide to supply direct. This is how the military industrial complex works. It has absolutely nothing to do with rights or atrocities (which are usually committed by intelligence agencies to place blame upon our enemies and either foment rebellion-old school, or gain support for direct military intervention-new school.)

CIA chemists polished the bicarbonate concoction to a cheap economical and easy to understand formula, trained import/export patsies who then trained street level distributors in the new enterprise. The freebase epidemic was already exploding in South America so the model was replicated here aka we tested it out in freebase form on the South American upper classes, then supplied the lower to middle classes with the cheap bicarbonate form. The experiment succeeded and was duplicated in America.

Cocaine was first promoted positively in media, but once the experiment with freebase and crack cocaine began in South America (around '78) the media began a transformation. It was transformed into an edgy drug used by wealthy and shady characters, then addicts, then losers. (Notice how you will NEVER see someone take a hit of crack in a movie like they smoke a joint. Crack will never be on that lvl. A character's life is either fukked up or about to get fukked up if they are doing crack. Right before the crack epidemic the CIA ctrld media turned on cocaine use full force to discourage frail wites from using/distributing to other frail wites. It was an overall war on the lower to lower middle class which is comprised of undesirable wites and minorities.)

Crack cocaine only seems like a huge epidemic because it decimated negroes and we are negroes discussing it. White people were able to shrug off their losses and succeed, because the enterprise was designed that way. Notice how even though whites are by and large the majority of crack cocaine users they rarely make reference to it in nostalgic pieces, unless it's to display the moral decay of undesirable whites or reinforce the belief in an inherent criminality of American minorities. This is not simply white supremacy. It is one small example of the CIA's maintenance of the American economic system, which supports European aristocratic banking supremacy, which provides leverage against Arab oil producing nations on the international chessboard.

Look at the evolution of NYC street crime from the invention of the automobile to today. To understand the crack epidemic, look closely at the children born and raised during the economic and moral recession of the 1970's. Criminality and poverty became a way of life, and the minority lower middle class collapsed. This was a result of the fierce opposition to the Black and Latino nationalism being promoted in the late sixties and early seventies, the same way Italians were portrayed as gangsters once they began to populate the middle class. ANY ETHNIC GROUP THAT DIFFERS FROM THE EUROPEAN BANKING ARISTOCRACY IS PORTRAYED AS SHADY TO SOME DEGREE IN THE MEDIA. This is all to brainwash the population to maintain the economic status quo, which reinforces European banking supremacy. You never notice how it's weird that Arabs ctrl all the oil but Jews ctrl all the currency exchanged for that oil to the point where they leverage that into loans to OIL PRODUCING NATIONS?

This is also where the New World Order comes into play. It is the final move of the European banking aristocracy. The puppet regimes who supported those interests were more than simply "complicit" in tanking their economies. One may think that these regimes had a gun to their head so to speak because of the threat of direct military intervention of first world nations aka Euro banking aristocracy representatives. This is false.

These things are planned and only outsiders or traitors to the Euro banking dynasties are slaughtered/imprisoned. All of the wars of the past two centuries were to erase monarchies and install complicit aristocracies in puppet regimes. The upper echelon of the 1% of the world hasn't changed because they ctrl the destinies of the rest of the 1% aka hedge fund billionaires and nikkaz with certs make their livelihoods on playgrounds owned by the so-called Elite. Whenever an artificially developed aristocracy gets notions of policies in direct opposition to the Elite, that aristocracy is liquidated, first financially then militarily.

What we have been witnessing since the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan is the liquidation of these artificial aristocracies militarily as a first option. The European banking dynasties have utilized the financial system to acquire land and resources and now they are establishing totalitarian ctrl to maintain supremacy over exploding populations of "outsiders".

It is beyond stupid to believe these things are the fault of these outsiders. To believe the crack cocaine epidemic was a result of Black irresponsibility is to believe that Black people had enough of a share of the economy to be responsible for in the first place. I think only complete c00ns and delusional cracker ass crackers share this view, because they are scum. The upper middle class is the albatross around the world's necks because they're idiotic belief in CIA-approved "facts on the ground" affects the democratic process. It is why c00ns on the coli are absolutely pathetic. They are turning rifles on their own ethnic group in hopes of gaining the respect of an economic class that literally survives on the perpetual subjugation of that ethnic group.

African Americans have been enslaved, tortured, raped, murdered, mutilated, infected with diseases, poisoned, brainwashed, imprisoned, demonized, feminized, impoverished and disenfranchised by design of the European banking cartels who ctrl all the land and resources. This is to prevent Arab and African consolidation and ctrl of oil and resources. That's it.

Bedwenches, c00ns, thugs, bougie bytches, hoodrats, babymamas, babydaddies, janky preachers, dopefiends, trippy nikkaz, flamboyantly c00nish homos, welfare queens, gypsies, tramps, and thieves are all products of the CIA think tanks and laboratories which are merely products of European banking cartels inherent need for survival.

If white horses got control of all the oats in the barn, black horses would have to be tightly regulated to maintain white horse oat supremacy, which is the byproduct of white horse morality.

Your entire life is scripted. Whenever minorities attempt to go off script, they are liquidated. It has nothing to do with lack of will or demoralization or "nikka shyt" on the macro. "nikka shyt" is a CIA creation. Only c00ns and fiercely delusional New Blacks think differently because their white peers survive on the false pretense of Black inferiority, and the delusion is a byproduct of a person's inherent need for survival.

You might hate Ritz crackers, but if you were imprisoned and the only currency of power was Ritz crackers then you would "do as the Romans do" if you follow. The people responsible for the Ritz cracker economy would generationally breed you to develop a dependence on Ritz crackers and brainwash you to imitate inmates who have more Ritz crackers.

Negroes would have to take over the CIA to prevent drug epidemics, and by the time that has a snowball's chance in hell of happening, they will all be bred into c00ns so that defeats the purpose of eliminating white supremacy in the first place. Note how most of the "militants" on the coli for example are merely tyrants in disguise. They're merely attempting to "stir up negroes" to either enrich themselves or satiate themselves psychologically. This is why when one approaches them with facts contradictory to their assertions, they engage in manipulation to further their agenda. They're no better than janky ministers propagandizing the Bible for their own physical gain. There's literally no difference between the two and their aversion to one another is simply a propaganda battle for your mind.

Congrats you just explained why...

The Jews killed the Royal Russian Family

Why the Government took out JFK because he wanted to destroy the CIA.

The Jews killed Gaddafi

and much more. I truly applaud you.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
no one appeared to be arrested

$9 million worth of cocaine seized at Miami River
More than 797 pounds of cocaine found under layer of concrete

Published On: Mar 23 2015 02:19:41 PM EDT


Courtesy: U.S. Customs and Border Protection

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized more than $9 million worth of cocaine hidden inside a 180-foot cargo vessel last month at the Miami River.

Authorities said more than 797 pounds of cocaine inside 310 packages were found Feb. 27 inside a ballast tank under a layer of concrete.

"Every single day the men and women of Customs and Border Protection work diligently to protect our borders and to prevent the importation of contraband through our ports of entry," said Diane Sabatino, CBP Miami Seaport director. "Customs and Border Protection at the Port of Miami also works very closely with our law enforcement and security partners to disrupt and ultimately close off pathways through which narcotics are introduced into the United States,"

Authorities have not said whether any arrests have been made.


Jul 17, 2013
It's all a result of the economic recession of the 70's. First, Bolivian tin n cotton collapsed so the US gov't "promoted" coca as a way to prevent communism. Yep, that's right, the Black community was decimated to keep communism from overtaking South America.

That is the key to understanding American imperialism. That is the watermark of the so-called New Order of the Ages. In the past, we used vice and the black market to prevent a country from going commie, or to prop up a new right regime. Think of how Russia's black market economy flourished once the USSR collapsed. What America does is buy these products in bulk first then flood the market in certain key demographic areas (LA, NYC, CHI, DET, ATL, MIA etc) to create a huge demand nationwide.

Then the CIA recruits goons (usually apart of the aristocracy or military) in the source countries to recruit patsies to export and import the products, and at first, distribution is gov't sponsored. If the operation succeeds (it always succeeds) those initial distributors move up to become importers and exporters (unless they are able to finagle a new position within the covert agency's ops).

Former Nazis/CIA agents trained Suarez to ramp up coca paste production to ship to the Ochoa aristocracy who partnered with Escobar to supply refined n processed cocaine to the United States thru myriad other patsies who then brought the cocaine to the street lvl. La musica del Harry Fraud.

Crack cocaine was a variation on freebase, which was exploding in South America and was popular amongst a lot of the millionaire patsy importers and exporters. Crack cocaine was just a way to keep the Colombians involved. Suarez could have easily supplied Bolivian and Peruvian coca paste directly to the United States but the cocaine market was feeding too many countries along the smuggling routes to the US. The Colombians had to be kept in the circle, and their worth was predetermined by old smuggling routes and smuggling partnerships already formed since the Spanish Conquistadors.

The film Scarface was a bullshyt fantasy because it involved Stateside importers and distributors dealing with the Bolivians directly over the Colombians' heads. Colombians have killed Bolivian coca producers over this, and it in fact is a total CIA operation. It's meant to flush out bad blood in the cartels and keep the Colombians abreast of people who may threaten their interests, which is a threat to American interests. Think of how we go to war when oil producing nations decide to supply direct. This is how the military industrial complex works. It has absolutely nothing to do with rights or atrocities (which are usually committed by intelligence agencies to place blame upon our enemies and either foment rebellion-old school, or gain support for direct military intervention-new school.)

CIA chemists polished the bicarbonate concoction to a cheap economical and easy to understand formula, trained import/export patsies who then trained street level distributors in the new enterprise. The freebase epidemic was already exploding in South America so the model was replicated here aka we tested it out in freebase form on the South American upper classes, then supplied the lower to middle classes with the cheap bicarbonate form. The experiment succeeded and was duplicated in America.

Cocaine was first promoted positively in media, but once the experiment with freebase and crack cocaine began in South America (around '78) the media began a transformation. It was transformed into an edgy drug used by wealthy and shady characters, then addicts, then losers. (Notice how you will NEVER see someone take a hit of crack in a movie like they smoke a joint. Crack will never be on that lvl. A character's life is either fukked up or about to get fukked up if they are doing crack. Right before the crack epidemic the CIA ctrld media turned on cocaine use full force to discourage frail wites from using/distributing to other frail wites. It was an overall war on the lower to lower middle class which is comprised of undesirable wites and minorities.)

Crack cocaine only seems like a huge epidemic because it decimated negroes and we are negroes discussing it. White people were able to shrug off their losses and succeed, because the enterprise was designed that way. Notice how even though whites are by and large the majority of crack cocaine users they rarely make reference to it in nostalgic pieces, unless it's to display the moral decay of undesirable whites or reinforce the belief in an inherent criminality of American minorities. This is not simply white supremacy. It is one small example of the CIA's maintenance of the American economic system, which supports European aristocratic banking supremacy, which provides leverage against Arab oil producing nations on the international chessboard.

Look at the evolution of NYC street crime from the invention of the automobile to today. To understand the crack epidemic, look closely at the children born and raised during the economic and moral recession of the 1970's. Criminality and poverty became a way of life, and the minority lower middle class collapsed. This was a result of the fierce opposition to the Black and Latino nationalism being promoted in the late sixties and early seventies, the same way Italians were portrayed as gangsters once they began to populate the middle class. ANY ETHNIC GROUP THAT DIFFERS FROM THE EUROPEAN BANKING ARISTOCRACY IS PORTRAYED AS SHADY TO SOME DEGREE IN THE MEDIA. This is all to brainwash the population to maintain the economic status quo, which reinforces European banking supremacy. You never notice how it's weird that Arabs ctrl all the oil but Jews ctrl all the currency exchanged for that oil to the point where they leverage that into loans to OIL PRODUCING NATIONS?

This is also where the New World Order comes into play. It is the final move of the European banking aristocracy. The puppet regimes who supported those interests were more than simply "complicit" in tanking their economies. One may think that these regimes had a gun to their head so to speak because of the threat of direct military intervention of first world nations aka Euro banking aristocracy representatives. This is false.

These things are planned and only outsiders or traitors to the Euro banking dynasties are slaughtered/imprisoned. All of the wars of the past two centuries were to erase monarchies and install complicit aristocracies in puppet regimes. The upper echelon of the 1% of the world hasn't changed because they ctrl the destinies of the rest of the 1% aka hedge fund billionaires and nikkaz with certs make their livelihoods on playgrounds owned by the so-called Elite. Whenever an artificially developed aristocracy gets notions of policies in direct opposition to the Elite, that aristocracy is liquidated, first financially then militarily.

What we have been witnessing since the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan is the liquidation of these artificial aristocracies militarily as a first option. The European banking dynasties have utilized the financial system to acquire land and resources and now they are establishing totalitarian ctrl to maintain supremacy over exploding populations of "outsiders".

It is beyond stupid to believe these things are the fault of these outsiders. To believe the crack cocaine epidemic was a result of Black irresponsibility is to believe that Black people had enough of a share of the economy to be responsible for in the first place. I think only complete c00ns and delusional cracker ass crackers share this view, because they are scum. The upper middle class is the albatross around the world's necks because they're idiotic belief in CIA-approved "facts on the ground" affects the democratic process. It is why c00ns on the coli are absolutely pathetic. They are turning rifles on their own ethnic group in hopes of gaining the respect of an economic class that literally survives on the perpetual subjugation of that ethnic group.

African Americans have been enslaved, tortured, raped, murdered, mutilated, infected with diseases, poisoned, brainwashed, imprisoned, demonized, feminized, impoverished and disenfranchised by design of the European banking cartels who ctrl all the land and resources. This is to prevent Arab and African consolidation and ctrl of oil and resources. That's it.

Bedwenches, c00ns, thugs, bougie bytches, hoodrats, babymamas, babydaddies, janky preachers, dopefiends, trippy nikkaz, flamboyantly c00nish homos, welfare queens, gypsies, tramps, and thieves are all products of the CIA think tanks and laboratories which are merely products of European banking cartels inherent need for survival.

If white horses got control of all the oats in the barn, black horses would have to be tightly regulated to maintain white horse oat supremacy, which is the byproduct of white horse morality.

Your entire life is scripted. Whenever minorities attempt to go off script, they are liquidated. It has nothing to do with lack of will or demoralization or "nikka shyt" on the macro. "nikka shyt" is a CIA creation. Only c00ns and fiercely delusional New Blacks think differently because their white peers survive on the false pretense of Black inferiority, and the delusion is a byproduct of a person's inherent need for survival.

You might hate Ritz crackers, but if you were imprisoned and the only currency of power was Ritz crackers then you would "do as the Romans do" if you follow. The people responsible for the Ritz cracker economy would generationally breed you to develop a dependence on Ritz crackers and brainwash you to imitate inmates who have more Ritz crackers.

Negroes would have to take over the CIA to prevent drug epidemics, and by the time that has a snowball's chance in hell of happening, they will all be bred into c00ns so that defeats the purpose of eliminating white supremacy in the first place. Note how most of the "militants" on the coli for example are merely tyrants in disguise. They're merely attempting to "stir up negroes" to either enrich themselves or satiate themselves psychologically. This is why when one approaches them with facts contradictory to their assertions, they engage in manipulation to further their agenda. They're no better than janky ministers propagandizing the Bible for their own physical gain. There's literally no difference between the two and their aversion to one another is simply a propaganda battle for your mind.

:mjlol:post was fire

that delivery :banderas:

post of the year :mjcry:


Jun 22, 2014
The way crack fukked the black community wasn't just because of the addictive properties of the drug. It was also the poverty and lack of economic avenues which made selling crack basically a necessity.

The drugs have always been a 2nd or 3rd blow as @Reaganomics so well put it.

Now how can we protect ourselves from such a multiple waves attack? Well, I believe the best way is by taking advantage of the current situation as much as we can. Nothing is sweet still these days, but there's more room for nikkas to go to school and get degrees, and more room for black people to uplift themselves and stick together. Maybe I'm wrong; but I believe there are more avenues to escape the abject poverty that would make selling drugs the only viable source of income, compared to the 80's.
There's a secondary part to the issue, and that's the use of the drug itself.
Poverty doesn't make you smoke crack. In fact, I'm not sure how you can get someone to try the drug and then get addicted. Before, it's fully properties weren't knwon, but now... If someone tries it in the 21st century, there's no hope for their stupidity.


May 20, 2012
I think if we didn't party so much, and follow people in the media, who made it seem cool to do cocaine. If that wouldn't have happened, crack wouldn't have been able to touch us. I guess blacks started getting money, and wanted to enjoy it, while looking like money.

If we stayed with herb, shyt would have been cool, or just not as bad because heroin was a BAD PROBLEM in the northeast as well. That shyt fukked up neighborhoods as well. We learning now, though. You see addiction is hitting whites hard, especially heroin. This is why they are getting payback for when they let these drug kill us back then, and didnt care. Not all whites, because the good whites were the ones who wrote about these things, and did studies that evetually helped stopping the issues the drug war created. But, that heroin problem could be healed also, which brings me to this
twist of focus

how can the heroin epidemic be ended today?

US heroin overdoses shifting to young, white, Midwestern

Weed can cure this opiate addiction problem. Users just need to heat up their herb up with air movement like a volcano vaporizer or putting herb in an oven for over 30 min. The effects become more body pain relief then high. Or you can apply it directly to the area that hurts, and get pain relief. Once more people realize this, the pill business is dead, and the herb business will be booming. Just watch!
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IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Without the advancement of human psychology, medicine, and bioengineering, I'm not sure it could have been prevented.

Nowadays we know that drugs such as heroin cause a physical change in your brain. We also know that drug abuse programs like AA DONT WORK. But we were only able to come to that conclusion after advances in medicine and technology that allowed us to see the chemical and structural changes in the body after consuming drugs. We were only able to come to that conclusion after suffering through opium, alcohol, tobacco etc.

Just being able to update DUI protocols shows that we're developing tools that can help prevent substance abuse.

The biggest problem I've seen is pushback from homeopaths and religious organizations that oppose the scientific literature. As some know, naloxone has been proven to work against heroine overdoses. Unfortunately, programs like AA are against using drugs to help with addiction. These programs create environments that foster the belief that users who take naloxone, or other antagonist, are "quitters."


Jul 22, 2014
Addicts will be addicts, America needs next level addiction facilities in every state.,


Jan 5, 2014
OP ima answer your question later...but ain't you the same mofo who be advocating for legal marijuana? Ima guess 10 years down the road you gonna ask how that coulda been prevented too right? :skip: nikkas ain't shut...
but to answer your question, nikkas coulda stop smoking/snorting coke...simple as that...nobody forced them...that's why I'm disappointed that a former crack baby such as your self is asking for legal drugs...nikkas never learn huh? :wtb: