In light of the recent happenings, anyone who reads their Bible with the slightest of criticality will find the Israelites an evil group of people, supposedly lead by a blood thirsty, war mongering jealous god. Let’s do a quick walk through.
Starting in Genesis, supposedly, a god told Abraham that a particular piece of land belongs to him and his descendants, even when this land is occupied by people. For zero reason, this god favored Abraham and his descendants. The following books Joshua, Judges, put in detail the absolute atrocities the Israelites carried out upon the inhabitants of the so called promised land. They killed the men, the women, the children, even the cattle at times, all because a certain god told them the land belongs to them, and it was gods righteous will to slaughter the people.
The Israelites are a group of ruthless killers, and this is all detailed in their book, the Bible. But usually what is focused on, the billions of Christians out there, is the New Testament. Which is probably the worst piece of propaganda of all, which basically tells you your spoils are in heaven, so forgive and forget what people do to you in this reality, because god will avenge you.
Now how do people come to this conclusion? The god of Israel YHWH, from the very beginning has always been about just his people, he couldn’t care less about anyone that was NOT an Israelite. Even Jesus himself says that he has come to rescue only the loss sheep of Israel, Matthew 15:21-26, referring to anyone not an Israelite as dogs.
Now fast forward to today, Israel is practically untouchable, unquestionable, in the things that they do.
Full disclosure, I am not completely informed of the beef between Israel and Hamas, but I would be willing to bet it’s the same old story, of Israel’s forcibly taking peoples land all because of it being righteously cosigned by their god.
Tell me where I am wrong in this. Genuinely.